well i had planned to start hcg injections yesterday and when i went to mix it up and crack open the amp the whole thing shattered making it completely useless being full of glass....i had planned 6 weeks and had 2 amps. so wtf do i do now? there is no way i can get more in time, so either i try and stretch the one i have left or just wait a couple more weeks to finish the cycle with the second amp. also i already filled a steril vial with 2ml bac water to be mixed into, so will that be ok on the shelf as is or is that no good now being that it was transfered? im on a 14wk test e cycle 500/wk, had planned to run hcg during the last half of the cycle at 500iu/wk, the amps are 1500iu so each one would last 3 weeks.