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Thread: PCT question

  1. #1
    JAB1's Avatar
    JAB1 is offline Member
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    PCT question

    I am just wondering what the effect would be if you ran a standard pct-100/100/50/50 clomid...40/40/20/20 nolva, if you did not use any gear. The reason I ask is what if you got fake gear but didnt know, and ran pct. I know this sounds crazy but im just curious. I just completed my first cycle, test only, and seemed to have good success. Gained about 13 pounds. Felt some increased libido i think, etc. But I also ran a perfect diet and training plan, with increased cal intake on very strict diet. SO, although I am happy with results, It is not mind blowing. I have strong libido as is so no crazy changes there. I just never got that feeling I hoped for of walking around like effing superman and feeling like im on... hard to explain, other than to say I second guess everything and over analyze until im blue in the face. I know a couple other people on same gear that were saying they felt it, extremely horny, gettn stronger blah blah... I didnt get blood checked and am now 2 weeks out and about to start pct. So far havent lost a pound and strength still going up weekly(minor but documentable via 1 rep over last week, etc). Anyway my OCD will not let me stop thinking about what effect pct would have if my gear was bunk and I made gains and felt a little better due to only perfect diet/training/sleep...

  2. #2
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    It wonīt do you any harm.
    It will raise your Testosterone a little, as your LH signals will be stronger.
    I really donīt get that "ON" feeling either that the other guys talk about.
    But I do feel the difference in endurance, pump, and strength. A little nipple action, poor sleep, an a zit here and there.
    What was your dose?

  3. #3
    JAB1's Avatar
    JAB1 is offline Member
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    Great thats what I wanted to know was if any harm can be done. Thanks. I was on 500mg/week. Took adex e3d at .25 mg. Yeah all in all made good gains and feel more pumped, etc. Just wasnt overwhelmed the way some talk about so got me doubting and thinking.

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