ok so im about to run a test e 10 wk cycle at 500mg/wk

gonna run liquidex (arimidex ) from about week 3 up until i end my cycle. so about 7 weeks at about .5mg/EOD


I was going to run just nolva, i cant have any risk with my eyes with clomid (family all has terrible eyes, and i still have 20/20 so dont want to risk that. not sure if it can affect me like that though.) was gonna run it at 40/40/20/20

However, over the past two days ive been reading A LOT about torem and its benefits. so i was thinking about adding that to my PCT as well.
Seen many doses of this and not sure which one to go with. Thanks for the advice in advance, greatly appreciated. oh and no cycle experience

oh yea.. before i forget...... 24, 185, 5'11, and as i said, no cycle experience. training since i was about 16, got REALLY serious about 4 years ago