Quote Originally Posted by dr. triceps View Post
Hey guys,
Swifto recommended doing hcg at 500 iu/day for 14 days wi 10mg nolva/day if you didn't use it on cycle.

I just finished my hcg blast for 12 days after my last injection of test @ 500iu/day (total 6,000 ius). I also used nolva @ 10 mg ed. My balls are definitely more plump.

Doing a hcg blast for 12 days won't desensitize/damage my leydig cells correct?? That's my biggest fear.

I'll be starting torem and clomid either tuesday or wednesday for 5-6 weeks:

Torem: Tore 60mg/ED (120mg/ED first 7 days) for 6 weeks

clomid: 100/50/50/25

How does this PCT look?

I will post labs for after my hcg blast tomorrow and will post labs once again when I finish my pct.
I am VERY anxious to see these.

Do you have baseline bloodwork as well, to compare? That would be stellar if you did!