Going to keep it pretty to the point, but I am currently 21 years old and 2 years ago I got involved with anabolic steroids and it was one of the worst decisions I've ever made in my life. I can't rewind time, so now is the time to deal with my mistakes and move forward in hope of a full recovery.

2 years ago I was graduating highschool and sat a 6'2 131lbs. I worked out 5 days a week 3 for the entire time I was in highschool but my body refused to put on weight. The summer going in to college I decided I would take it into my own hands in order to gain weight, because I already tried the whole dieting thing and it wasn't working. I'll list everything I've done over the past 2 years down below, but after 2 years of eating right using anabolic steroids and going to the gym 7 days a week without missing a day I now sit at 6'2 202lbs around 13% BF. Sure I gained a lot but the consequences are not worth it.

For the past 6 months I've been having problems with erections and libido in general, I can't get it up.. at all.. On top of that I'm tired all the time and life in general is just an overwhelming depressant, lastly my testicles are the size of peanuts after my latest cycle. Last month I finally decided it wasn't worth it and plan on giving them up forever. With that being said I went ahead and talked to my doctor and got an appointment scheduled with an endo 5 days ago and my blood test just came back.

He only took 1 testosterone test for the first blood test because he was against helping minors in this situation anyways. On a scale of 250-850 (I believe) my testosterone level came back at 63. Seeing it so low is honestly overwhelming because out of all the reading I've done, I don't think I've come across anyone with such low testosterone levels .

After discussion with the endo, he set me up on a hcg -clomid therapy. I will be taking 1,500 iu's E3D of HCG for 2 months and 100mg daily of clomid for 1 month and 50mg daily for 5 more months with blood tests every 2 months. My question for you guys is, do you agree with this treatment or would you taper it a different way? My endo honestly seemed clueless about the whole issue, and I had to explain some of the logistics of HCG to him. Just looking for some opinions, they would be greatly appreciated.

History (I'm not going to list cycles but substances as I am so tired 24/7 it's honestly a task for me just to type this out)

Test prop
Test enan
Mast prop
tren ace

and this all obviously accompanied many different PCT and anti-e products


In relation to my cycles I always did the proper time (8wk for prop, 12 for enan) with a 4 week pct to follow of nolva and clomid. I also took a break equal to the time on being completely off, so although I followed everything by the book the major rules I broke were dabbling in anabolic steroids under 25 years of age, and tren (**** tren, seriously ****ed me up mentally and physically).

Again guys any advice would be greatly appreciated, I'm at a loss for words as of what to do right now.