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  1. #1
    ibinlyrical is offline New Member
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    Some trouble after PCT, help please!

    I did one cycle of Test-E and Deca , did HCG in the last few weeks and ran a full PCT of Nolva and Clomid. Everything seemed to be fine, and had my levels checked after PCT and my estrogen was at 37, but my test was double what it was before I ever cycled and considerably lower than when I was on cycle, so doctor said I was all good. I maintained my gains and size decently. I've had some Gyno symptoms but as far as I can tell I'm fine there, but my hair is thinning insanely hard. I havnt been in the gym for the last month and a half because of a knee surgery (which was the whole reason I cycled in the first place to repair my ligaments as I was led to believe Deca would do) but my hair has taken a hit. I was wondering if it was Telogen Efluvium or something else. I have no history of MPB in my whole family, also wondering what I should do? I'll post my cycle and please let me know where I went wrong, or what's wrong. I also have serious back acne and shoulder acne, broke out on my face for a bit to. My libido hasnt taken a hit at all.

    My cycle was,

    10 wks Deca at 400 then switched to 600 per friends advice,
    14 wks Test-e 250 then switched to 375 per friends advice,
    4 wks HCG
    6 wks Nolva/Clomid
    .5 Adex e4d except for 10 days before PCT started
    I ran PCT on wk 16 in this order,
    Clomid 100/50/50/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20/20/20

    It's been almost 2 months since I've been off, and my hair has thinned unbelievably, my back and shoulders covered in acne, some gyno signs but I still think im good there and I just wanna know what to do! Any advice would help. Will my hair come back? My back clean up? Is my estrogen too high? Is this my body's way of stabilizing? Thanks In advance!
    I felt I should mention as well, I'm 24 6' and 217lbs. My first cycle ever which I took because I was trying to recover from ligament damage and a failed ACL repair.
    Last edited by ibinlyrical; 12-02-2014 at 02:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    The acne is from the influx in androgens. Your cycle would have been better had you just picked a dose of each compound and ran it with the test 2 weeks longer then the deca . Hcg should have been run from the beginning of your cycle right up to 3 days prior to starting pct. your ai should have been run right up to the start of your pct meds to. The acne will clear up after your hpta restarts and your hormones level out again

  3. #3
    ibinlyrical is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply! I did the HCG in the last 4 weeks just cause I didn't have it and am admittedly not super informed. I'm glad to hear it will clear up, but what about the hair thinning? Is it only temporary? Will it grow back? Thanks!

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibinlyrical
    Thanks for the reply! I did the HCG in the last 4 weeks just cause I didn't have it and am admittedly not super informed. I'm glad to hear it will clear up, but what about the hair thinning? Is it only temporary? Will it grow back? Thanks!
    hair thinning has never been an issue for me so that's hard to answer. Does mpb run in your family? Steroid use is very well known to speed it up

  5. #5
    ibinlyrical is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    hair thinning has never been an issue for me so that's hard to answer. Does mpb run in your family? Steroid use is very well known to speed it up
    I do appreciate the reply. I have absolutely no history of MPB and I know it can go back many generations but none that I know of anyways, all the signs seem to point to a Telogen Effluvium situation, the doctor was quite surprised/alarmed by how much has fallen out. It's fallen out all over the top of the scalp. Does that happen with HCG , or Clomid or Nolva? It only occurred after PCT, didnt lose a hair during cycle at all.

  6. #6
    iamxclusive is offline New Member
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    Nov 2014
    The thinning of the hair is from the deca .

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