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  1. #1
    hillas is offline New Member
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    Mar 2005

    my decadubol-100 and anabol

    Are these stuff real ? The pics are very blurry :/ sry for quality

    IT's decadubol-100 from BM pharmaceuticals and anabol but with no snake signature.
    Decas date of made is 2005 and exp date 2007.

    I'm in 4 week and already gained about 7kg.
    Taking one deca in a week and 20mg of anabol a day
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails my decadubol-100 and anabol British Pharmaceutical.-09_10_05_1340.jpg   my decadubol-100 and anabol British Pharmaceutical.-09_10_05_1341.jpg   my decadubol-100 and anabol British Pharmaceutical.-09_10_05_1343.jpg  

  2. #2
    Seajackal's Avatar
    Seajackal is offline Anabolic Member
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    Land of the rising sun.
    The Indian Deca looks fine despite the blurry pic, I'm not sure about those Dbols
    the pentagon shaped without the British Dispensary's logo I know it's melic, but
    yours ain't melic...never seen that pharm...but yours results tell that you have
    good stuffs in hands otherwise those gains wouldn't come that fast. Good luck bro!

  3. #3
    MichaelCC's Avatar
    MichaelCC is offline Senior Member
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    "hillas" - your decadubol-100 pictures are very blurry, so I'm posting my own one to compare. Does your decadubol looks like this ?
    As for Anabol - it's very hard to tell it from your picture.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails my decadubol-100 and anabol British Pharmaceutical.-decadubol-100.jpg  

  4. #4
    hillas is offline New Member
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    Mar 2005
    its looks like yours. But what about your exp date ? I cant see them in photo, And in your photo vial look like is full of juice but in my photos juice takes only about 3/4 of vial space. And the last question : Can british dragon anabol be without snake signature because mine is ? Is it fake ?

  5. #5
    MichaelCC's Avatar
    MichaelCC is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillas
    its looks like yours. But what about your exp date ? I cant see them in photo, And in your photo vial look like is full of juice but in my photos juice takes only about 3/4 of vial space. And the last question : Can british dragon anabol be without snake signature because mine is ? Is it fake ?
    As for Exp date, I don't know it now, becasue it was 1,5 years ago I had this Decadubol for the last time. I have only this picture of it. I'm sorry that Exp date is not visible.
    Second thing - vial looks full, because ampoule was lying down on the scanner while I was taking this picture.
    Last question - Yes, I saw British Dragon Anabol tablets without snake. British Dispensary is producing almost same Anabol but with snake on the tablet. Take a look at my thread:

  6. #6
    nytro's Avatar
    nytro is offline Junior Member
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    If It Has A Line On One Side And Nothing On The Other, Its Good I Have Some Right Now.

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