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  1. #1
    cruiser8080 is offline New Member
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    First Cycle - Too much?

    I'm looking to start a cycle soon, which will be my first, and I have been in contact with a person from an UGL in Canada. He seems to be very helpful and knowledgable, however, he suggested the following cycle and post cycle that seems to be too much (complicated and expensive). Thoughts?

    4 - Test Cypionate 250mg/ml, 10ml -$105
    4 - Deca 300mg/ml, 10ml - $110
    7 - Dianabol 10mg, 100 capsules per bottle - $105
    1 - Injection Kit - $100
    1- Clomid 50mg, 50 capsules per bottle - $100
    1- China hcg 5000iu w/water $105

    Item Cost:$1900.00
    Total: $1830.00

    If it helps, I'm 31, 5'11", 190lbs, 13%BF, and have been working out for about 10 years now.

  2. #2
    wmaousley's Avatar
    wmaousley is offline American Bedoo
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    Quote Originally Posted by cruiser8080;54***59
    I'm looking to start a cycle soon, which will be my first, and I have been in contact with a person from an UGL in Canada. He seems to be very helpful and knowledgable, however, he suggested the following cycle and post cycle that seems to be too much (complicated and expensive). Thoughts?

    4 - Test Cypionate 250mg/ml, 10ml -$105
    4 - Deca 300mg/ml, 10ml - $110
    7 - Dianabol 10mg, 100 capsules per bottle - $105
    1 - Injection Kit - $100
    1- Clomid 50mg, 50 capsules per bottle - $100
    1- China hcg 5000iu w/water $105

    Item Cost:$1900.00
    Total: $1830.00

    If it helps, I'm 31, 5'11", 190lbs, 13%BF, and have been working out for about 10 years now.

    PLEASE EDIT THE PRICES.....No member on this forum will give you any advice with the prices of your gear posted, It really doesnt matter if your gear is free or $1,000,000.

    So basically you should be telling us all your stats and how much gear you plan on taking a week eg;

    WK 1-6 Dbol
    WK 1-10 Test E and so on.

    Plus your PCT


  3. #3
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Leaving the prices out of this disscusion (as they should not be posted) its still safe to say,

    This guy is only in it for the money, this is way too much gear. All you need in a first cycle is 400-500 mg per wk of the Test Cyp for 10 wks and some HCG (250iu's 2 times per wk) to prevent atrophy during the cycle. If you wanted to kick start with Dbol you could but for a first cycle its really not needed.

    So all you need is two vials of Cyp and the HCG

    PCT should consist of 2 Serms for best results but one will do for a simple cycle but I would not suggest Clomid on its own (and damn shure not on a huge cyp/deca cycle like he is suggesting. If you want to just run just one SERM for PCT Torem works quite well on its own and a combination of Torem and Nolva will work even better. Assuming you will be running both SERMS, Torem should be dosed at 60mg per day for 4 weeks and Nolva at 20mg per day for 4 weeks this will work fine for a 10wk cycle of Cyp.

    On more serious cycles with 2 or more compounds you would use both for 6 weeks and double the doses of both compounds for the first week.

    This should provide you with a place to start, I would never give a first time user Deca as this is not a good compound to start with ( very suppressive and takes forever to work meaning it will require a 12 wk cycle to be effective. Also if you use Dbol you usually use it as a kicker or jump start for the test, in this usage you typically take 40mg per day for the first month so thats 120 pills total, even at this dose since Dbol is liver toxic its a good idea to use Liv 52 to help protect the liver. This guy is gonna have you take 700 Dbol tablets??? did he even mention how this would affect your liver?

    Stay clear of this guys reccomendations, profit is clearly his motivation.


  4. #4
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    PLEASE EDIT THE PRICES.....No member on this forum will give you any advice with the prices of your gear posted.
    Of course, you will need to edit your post too...because you quoted him. Heh.

  5. #5
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    jez, are ppl this easily duped?!

  6. #6
    TbolzNdbols's Avatar
    TbolzNdbols is offline Associate Member
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    To much gear? Try not enough hit me up I'll give you a nice recommendation for some SUST, PROP, VAR, TBOL, DROL, AND EQ

    maybe ECA stack last 4 with pct of clen

  7. #7
    Blacksrt42004 is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah edit your post (to remove prices) and stick with a Test only cycle for your first time.

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