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  1. #1
    mikail is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Fake tren, underdosed test, and fake winny?

    so I think i've had some bad luck with my gear. I've purchased a 30ml vile of winnie and was doing approx 35mg ed - and after about a week i noticed a bit of strength gains - but nothing too dramatic as other people were posting. Nor did I get the notorious back pumps and the extremely dry joints (just minor pain in shoulders), i tasted it and it kinda tasted a bit like plastic

    I was also on test p, but i think that was wayyyy underdosed. i only noticed a bit of an improvement in my libido(except for when i injected 2ccs [200mg], then there was a huge jump in libido).

    Now I'm trying tren ace, running 100mg eod, and im on my 5th day, and not experiencing any of the sides.

    Is there anyway to check if either the winnie or the tren is real?

    comments appreciated

  2. #2
    iphone is offline Banned
    Join Date
    May 2011
    post picture but be sure to edit out the lab name .....

  3. #3
    Maximm is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    inside EUROPE
    post picture, after could say more

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