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  1. #1
    jeremys's Avatar
    jeremys is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2002

    breaking in a bench shirt?

    as i prepare for my bench meet on sep. 28, i need to learn some stuff.
    how much work should i do in the shirt? what kinda work?(speed, board, etc?) how often should i train in it?

  2. #2
    jeremys's Avatar
    jeremys is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2002
    by the way, if its important, im going to be using an inzer high performance blast

  3. #3
    musc2002pa is offline Associate Member
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    Well considering you dont have much time till your meet...have you ever used a shirt before? If yes. then I would use it atleast once before the meet. Get a feel for the groove, and see what it takes to get down.

    If you have never used a shirt before, then I would say you need to use it atleast twice. Its going to be very ackward at first.

    Use it on an ME day. When you first put the shirt on, give it about 5-10 minutes before you actually start to use it. Let the shirt adjust to your body. Then you should warm up with the bar. Allow the bar to come down as far as it can....DO NOT force it down, let it come down on its own. Then move to 95, 135 etc. This is critical for breaking it in. It allows the fibers to do its thing. You can also warm up with different height boards. Such as 45 w/5 board, 95 w/4 board. The key in the breakin period is just to let the bar come down where as far as it can on its own.

    Its a good idea to wear a belt with the shirt. This keeps everything in place. If you find that its too easy to get the bar to your can pull down the front of the shirt and then tighten down the belt. This will make the shirt resist the weight a little better.


  4. #4
    powerlifterjay's Avatar
    powerlifterjay is offline Respected Member
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    My meet is also Sept 28th. BUt what Musc2002PA said.

    Good advice Chad.

  5. #5
    jeremys's Avatar
    jeremys is offline Associate Member
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    how much do i want to touch? like 20 pounds under my opener?

  6. #6
    deciever is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2002
    having your opener just barely touch would be nice

  7. #7
    jeremys's Avatar
    jeremys is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2002
    alright. that makes sense. thanks

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