Thread: 10/28 DE bench
10-28-2002, 04:17 PM #1
10/28 DE bench
Well today was DE day and I enjoyed todays day more than anything one reason b/c I had ALOT of variety in it. And if I progress a bit better on ME day I might keep it like this for a while.
Set 1 145X3(used 1 board and close grip)speed 2.26
Set 2 150X3(used 1 board and pinky on ring)speed 2.31
Set 3 155X3(used 1 board and middle finger on ring)speed 2.43
Set 4 150X3(used 1 board and close grip)speed 2.17
Set 5 155X3(used 1 board and pinky on ring) speed 2.40
Set 6 165X3(used 1`board and close grip) speed 2.35
Set 7 165X3(used 1 board and middle finger on ring) paused reps not timed
Set 8 165X3(no board and pinky on ring) paused reps Fast at top hell my head came off the bench locking it out.
then I did 5boards set 1 275X6(easy) set 2 295X4(pretty easy, a bit more diff) set 3 315X4( I needed help off the board on the last one but I grunted and my bro KNEW to take his hands off, kinda funny )
overhead pin lockouts like on halbert vid 135X3X8 I shoulda used more weight.
Barbell shrugs 295X3X10
wrist curls 20X2X15
sit-ups holding 35#DB in each hand as if doing one handed DB ext and I did 5X10.
DEAD NOW and eating as I type....with breaks in b/w of course.
food's great.
10-29-2002, 09:26 AM #2
Cubanito, looking good!
10-30-2002, 01:23 PM #3
thanks bro.
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