sup lookig to get into powerlifting..i just ordered some halo..i have (50) 5mg i need more? would adding test prop 100mg/ed make a big defference?

is halo effective at 20mg a day?

other than the insulin , hcg and proviron i have stacked im thinking :

1-3 30mg halo ed
1-3 100mg test prop ed

say im putting up325 on my bench now, with proper nutrition and lifting how much of an increase could possibaly see?would my squat go up 100lbs with that? would i add 50lbs to my bench? maybe 200lbs on dead lift? is that all possible with such a small cycle? should i make it 4 weeks long would tha make a big difference? would their be liver problems with only 3-4 weeks?
thanks guys i apprecite any info/thoughts basically any advice i'm sure most of you guys can help me out here....reason why im thinking of running such a small cycle is to decrease the hpta shutdown...i was thinking 3weeks on 4weeks off repatedly for about 4 small cycles but if it isnt to do much in that short duration than maybe i will have to bump up the weeks..

please comment thanks again