I'm 51 and been lifting for 20 years. I'v been taking 200 mg of Enanthate a week for 6 years for hypogonadism. This keeps my total test. at 900 & my free test at 22. I told the doc i don't like going lower than this. I like to stay in the high normal range.I'm going to run 400 mg of deca & 300 mg of enanthate weekly for 10 weeks.Then i'll drop down to my 200 mg weekly of enanthate. In 2 more weeks my endocrinologist will check my blood chemistry, free & total testosterone levels , as he does every 3 months. How would the deca affect those levels or will it? I always run 400 mg of enanthate weekly for 10 weeks, then drop it down to 200 mg at the 10th week, so by the 12 week when i see the doc i got the levels down to normal again & he never knows.I know deca shuts down the hypothalumus/pituitary/gonad/axsis,but that's not my concern anymore.I stay on the test. Thanks, TOM