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  1. #1
    unforgiven_82's Avatar
    unforgiven_82 is offline New Member
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    female with clen question

    K i have a question cuz I never see thisanswered.

    Alot of people take clen .

    SO i want to ask.. cuz im going to be starting this.

    when you take clen with a healthy diet and exercise.
    what has the averageperson on here thatistaking theclen

    doing the two week on two week off cycle.

    i know you do this cycle twice so thats 8 weeks of it.

    but whats the average weight loss...

    and also.. is there a change in your bowel movement?

  2. #2
    passthetest's Avatar
    passthetest is offline Member
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    it all depends on what body fat your starting with and what your trying to obtain..if you start higher than reducing you % is much easier.. if you really are dieting and doing cardio you will see amzing gains

  3. #3
    unforgiven_82's Avatar
    unforgiven_82 is offline New Member
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    yeh i have put on about 20 pounds .. and i do look bigger then before.
    and i eat healthy almost always. but im maintaining weight even with working out.

    my friend told me he lost 10 pounds off clen
    im hoping if this stuff works...

    with dieting and cardio.. that i can lose 20 pounds in a 8 week cycle.

    i used to get b12 injections back in the day.. and those worked but you.. really dont eat for it to work. thats not a proper diet.

  4. #4
    passthetest's Avatar
    passthetest is offline Member
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    to be honest with you im a college student with a diet which most people in here would consider horrible..i certainly was not over weight when i took it i took it to drop some stubborn fat to get to around 7 % bf before my cancun trip..

    if you gained 20 lbs than you will be able to lose fat decently easy, just make sure you dont lsoe to much weight in a short period of time bc its rough on your body. if i were you id try to drop some weight and get used to deiting even before you get your clen

  5. #5
    unforgiven_82's Avatar
    unforgiven_82 is offline New Member
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    oh yeh. i already diet.
    i eat very healthy always have. i have to choclate bar once and a gain or a fewcookies.
    but because my mom is diabetic.. I eat healthy.
    i have been working out for two years as well. im very active have to walk to and from work everyday.. so thats about 1.45 hour a day i walk.

    just want to get the right dosage on clen then im good to go.

    my friends that take it are guys. hehe so its kinda hard to see what i will lose cuz im a female.

  6. #6
    passthetest's Avatar
    passthetest is offline Member
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    Dec 2006
    wel search the interent maybe this will help you

    Clen Faq. You better like it it took me ages.

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