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  1. #1
    peace_frog's Avatar
    peace_frog is offline Associate Member
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    trash can alley, VT

    Not Selling Albuterol anymore?

    Would be nice if you could come on and tell us if something changes. I posted asking if it was still buy 2 get one free, with NO reply. And now its not even on the site anymore. A little info would be apprecitated here.

    Are you going to get some back in?

    Wheres another reputiple place I can find this? Especially in pill form, Ive heard better things about the pills.

    Thanks for any reply I get from anyone.

  2. #2
    jerseyboy's Avatar
    jerseyboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    No sources
    Chill out bro. Lion is a busy man. If it's not on the site it's probably out of stock. It's a relatively new research chem so I'm sure everyone wants to try it.

  3. #3
    peace_frog's Avatar
    peace_frog is offline Associate Member
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    trash can alley, VT
    I didnt mean to come off all pissy. I just figured Lion is pretty good about letting us know things like that.....if something goes out of stock, or they stop selling something, or if there is a new deal. With all the complaining going on in here, Im just surprised he hasnt popped on to just check in with us. He's pretty good about that usually.

    I do understand he is busy, and it looks like from all these posts he probably has his hands full with shipping and ordering problems as it is.

    I just kinda figured taking a popular product off the site , he might post about that. I should have worded myself better. I was just ready to order it and was waiting to hear if it was still buy 2 get 1, and all the sudden days latter is gone. Ill still continue to wait for a reply. Im sure he will get on here eventually.


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