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  1. #1
    Vial's Avatar
    Vial is offline Associate Member
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    South Africa Johannesburg

    Lion Nutritoin / AR-R problems

    Hi all, apologies this is a rather lengthy thread but I need to ask. Is it just me having a problem with the guys at AR-R (lion nutrition). I placed an order with them for some supplies and I got this email to confirm that the products would be sent:

    Order Number: 24354
    Detailed Invoice:
    Date Ordered: Thursday 24 January, 2008

    The comments for your order are

    track CP534769065US

    Your order has been updated to the following status.

    New status: Shipped

    Please reply to this email if you have any questions.

    Now I don’t mind waiting almost 4 weeks for an order and still not arriving it but what I do mind is not being kept in the loop or my questions not being answered. I sent an e-mail a couple of weeks later (11/02/08) and got the following reply:

    I will send your order back to processing. Sorry about this.

    Quoting Jody Boshoff <[email protected]>:

    > Hi, can you give me a status on my order as it has been 3 weeks already.
    > Thanks

    So the next logical question would be why? Or is that just me wanting to know why my stuff was not sent? Here is the e-mail:

    I can refund your card so you can go elsewhere. Give me full name on card, last four digits on card, exp. date, and order number.

    Quoting Jody

    > Why do I have to wait again.... What happened? Are you sure it will
    > come this time?

    I have been waiting for weeks now for the order and now I must take a refund.. If I go to another place I will wait again. Is it just me or is this a bad attitude from a supplier. Now this person does not reply to my mails.

    Is it so much to ask why I have to wait another 2 weeks and if my order is now on the way and perhaps a new tracking number? If I am in the wrong fine but service is service no matter what business or what country one is from. If someone knows these guys perhaps you can get someone to respond to my mails and just give me feedback and not tell me to go elsewhere and wait again. In the future I will take the advice given but for now …. I WANT MY STUFF.

  2. #2
    Vial's Avatar
    Vial is offline Associate Member
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    South Africa Johannesburg
    Big surprise no response from Lion. You know what I change my mind give my money back. Seriously no idea about customer service or response time.

  3. #3
    inkslinger's Avatar
    inkslinger is offline Associate Member
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    I have never had any problems with Lion.. usually I get their stuff in 3 to 4 days tops .. sprry to hear about the crap experience bro

  4. #4
    user_name is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008
    I agree man. It would have been one thing to say ooops it got missed somehow, I'll ship it TODAY and you'll have it by Friday or something. That's just poor customer service any way you look at it. I just placed an order and I'll give em a couple weeks to get it to my door, otherwise DISPUTE. And that's not just for them, that's for any retailer.

  5. #5
    39+1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by user_name View Post
    I agree man. It would have been one thing to say ooops it got missed somehow, I'll ship it TODAY and you'll have it by Friday or something. That's just poor customer service any way you look at it. I just placed an order and I'll give em a couple weeks to get it to my door, otherwise DISPUTE. And that's not just for them, that's for any retailer.
    Im having the same problem and lion did pm but i still havent heard whats going on with my order either?????? what to do what to do????????

  6. #6
    39+1 is offline Banned
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    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Vial View Post
    Hi all, apologies this is a rather lengthy thread but I need to ask. Is it just me having a problem with the guys at AR-R (lion nutrition). I placed an order with them for some supplies and I got this email to confirm that the products would be sent:

    Order Number: 24354
    Detailed Invoice:
    Date Ordered: Thursday 24 January, 2008

    The comments for your order are

    track CP534769065US

    Your order has been updated to the following status.

    New status: Shipped

    Please reply to this email if you have any questions.

    Now I don’t mind waiting almost 4 weeks for an order and still not arriving it but what I do mind is not being kept in the loop or my questions not being answered. I sent an e-mail a couple of weeks later (11/02/08) and got the following reply:

    I will send your order back to processing. Sorry about this.

    Quoting Jody Boshoff <[email protected]>:

    > Hi, can you give me a status on my order as it has been 3 weeks already.
    > Thanks

    So the next logical question would be why? Or is that just me wanting to know why my stuff was not sent? Here is the e-mail:

    I can refund your card so you can go elsewhere. Give me full name on card, last four digits on card, exp. date, and order number.

    Quoting Jody

    > Why do I have to wait again.... What happened? Are you sure it will
    > come this time?

    I have been waiting for weeks now for the order and now I must take a refund.. If I go to another place I will wait again. Is it just me or is this a bad attitude from a supplier. Now this person does not reply to my mails.

    Is it so much to ask why I have to wait another 2 weeks and if my order is now on the way and perhaps a new tracking number? If I am in the wrong fine but service is service no matter what business or what country one is from. If someone knows these guys perhaps you can get someone to respond to my mails and just give me feedback and not tell me to go elsewhere and wait again. In the future I will take the advice given but for now …. I WANT MY STUFF.
    no its not just you

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