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  1. #1
    Gators is offline Banned
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    Should 120mcg/day of T3 give me any sides?

    I feel nothing, yet 40 mcg of clen wigs me out. I got it in and refrigerated, so it's not a storage issue, and i shake it good each time before drawing the dose out (6/10 of ml). Is it possible this 'batch' is no good, it has the RIU label, as did the last batch, which come to think, felt like it had no oomph also. Maybe it's just me?

  2. #2
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    you mean other than total suppression of your natural production of t3?? naw, you won't really "feel" it..

    why are you taking so much t3??? I assume from the question you have not used it before.. ??

    Are you running or plan to run clen /t3 without an aas?? if so, another side you might probably have is muscle loss due to the catabolic effect of that much t3

    also, a shortness of breath during cardio or most any activities, but it would take time to get to that point... Look up hyperthyroid symptoms to see what an over active thyroid will do for ya.. 125mcg might not get you there, but i'm reaching for some effects someone might "feel" while taking t3..

    Or, you might not get any sides that you will notice..
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  3. #3
    Gators is offline Banned
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    I've been running it for about 8 weeks now, and cannot take Clen , that stuff has me shaking like Michael J Fox after drinking 3 red bulls. I'm in the middle of a var cycle, so hopefully that will help counter catabolism. I did notice i am getting a little short of breath w/ cardio, commented to my wife about that the other night when we were walking around the neighborhood. Maybe i need to back down to 100mcg. Using it to help burn more fat...

  4. #4
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    well, that is the sides you will get, i've run t3/var to see if the var was enough to stop the catabolic effects.. ran 80mg/day..

    it was not enough.. but it does work, when cutting i follow a simple rule, don't eat anything that is white (except eggs) and that will do the trick for ya..
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