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Thread: LiquiDex

  1. #1
    rebelstate is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    ive been doing weekly injections of test cyp @ 200 for 3 months now (was only doing test @100 a week previous) added the LiquiDex from ar-r @.25 ed to occassionally .50 3-weeks ago and cant believe how my sex drive went thru the roof after about one and half weeks on it guess that was a sign that my estrogen was a little high, also seemed to have dropped some water as my skin is tighter now especially on my chest, my nipples are tight and not loose if you know what i mean, feel great now! i was getting a little of an energy drop and started to feel bloated is why i added the liquidex,so i would from my experice say this stuff works!
    Last edited by rebelstate; 01-15-2010 at 08:52 AM.

  2. #2
    joeblack187's Avatar
    joeblack187 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2009
    just so a recent lab test done on there adex, it come out good and bad, right dose i think but the powder was stuck to the sides. just have to shake well

  3. #3
    rebelstate is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    been on LiquiDex for about a month + my sex drive has increased to the point that ive got a hard on most of the time and am getting wet cause i want to have sex so often,ive done it 4 times in one day and my wife is getting very tired of me wanting it all of the time. could this be a direct cause from the LiquiDex? ive always wanted sex while on test but not this much. im waking up with a dripping hard on and cant get back to sleep.i post pawned my mt2 shots because of this.should i stop taking LiquiDex or change the days. im still doing only .25 a day,has any one else been affected like this when taking 200mg test cyp a week and .25 LiquiDex ed ?

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