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  1. #1
    sanman's Avatar
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    Another update using clen

    Well took another dosage today at 120mcgs and really not feeling much at all.I know everyone is diffrent but come on it suppose to raise your didnt even do that.Dont no whats going on, but I just contacted ar-r to see whats up.Maybe I got a bad batch.

  2. #2
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    To be frank my last batch from AR-R felt weak but I can't just assume it was the batch it could just be your body getting used to it.

    Remember everybody has a different threshold for stimulants.

  3. #3
    sanman's Avatar
    sanman is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    To be frank my last batch from AR-R felt weak but I can't just assume it was the batch it could just be your body getting used to it.

    Remember everybody has a different threshold for stimulants.

    Thanks for responding.I could see if I been using for awhile & my body getting use to it,but its only been 4days!!!! I know everybody has a diffrent threshold but come let me feel a little something

  4. #4
    DP_Builtforlife's Avatar
    DP_Builtforlife is offline New Member
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    I am feeling the same way about the clen . I am not really getting anything from it!

  5. #5
    sanman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DP_Builtforlife View Post
    I am feeling the same way about the clen . I am not really getting anything from it!
    Maybe we have the same batch.
    Forgot to mention my dosage is up to 140mcgs & same results nothing!!!!!!!
    Last edited by sanman; 04-04-2010 at 10:57 AM.

  6. #6
    sanman's Avatar
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    Well itys been 2 wks on clen & up to 180mcgs with the new bottle ar-r sent me (Thanks ar-r for the fast shippment) dont really know if clen is working because I am not really feeling anything at all when taking it!!!! But I do see a diffrence around my stomach,it looks leaner but I think its from my strict diet for the past 2wks.Also started ECA stack & thats when I do feel me sweating alot!!!!!! Started my keto last night & man I could say that does work.Put me to sleep fast & slept for 10hrs.I will keep updating..... I have another 6wks on clen.

  7. #7
    obvikid334 is offline New Member
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    i'm pretty newb but i think i remember reading that doing an ECA stack while on clen affects how the clen works?

  8. #8
    redz's Avatar
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    i'm pretty newb but i think i remember reading that doing an ECA stack while on clen affects how the clen works?
    This is correct, it saturates the same receptors as the clen rendering it ineffective. I have some liquid clen from a ugl that is pretty easy to tell it is real. I would think Clen has to be one of the easiet drugs to determine if it's real. I get sides at virtually any dose I actually kind of hate the stuff.

  9. #9
    sanman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    This is correct, it saturates the same receptors as the clen rendering it ineffective. I have some liquid clen from a ugl that is pretty easy to tell it is real. I would think Clen has to be one of the easiet drugs to determine if it's real. I get sides at virtually any dose I actually kind of hate the stuff.
    Thats the problem I have with the clen not really feeling nothing but very tired & my body aches.Dont know if this is some sides.I threw in the fat burners because I felt the clen wasnt working for me.I know when the FB kick in right away!!!!!!!

  10. #10
    sanman's Avatar
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    Just a little update on my clen cycle (I know you dont call it a cycle) but didnt know how else to say it!!!!LOL.Its been a little over 3wks now & I do see some results around my stomach area but not there yet.But very happy just tried on jeans I havent worn in 2yrs & I could button them up!!! Very happy with that.Didnt weigh myself in 2wks so dont know how much I lost.My dosage is up to 160mcgs & like I said before I think its my strict diet & cardio in which I up to 45 mins a day 5-6 days a wk.Really dont feel any effects from the clen at all.I still take it because I know there is something in my system & I keep my diet in check.Still have another 6wks I will keep updateing!!!!!!!

  11. #11
    arshigtx is offline Junior Member
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    Yikes, I hope the clen I'm getting works, unlike what some of you guys are reporting. I've done EC a number of times before and have definitely felt and seen it working. So I should be able to tell if the clen will be effective.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by arshigtx View Post
    Yikes, I hope the clen I'm getting works, unlike what some of you guys are reporting. I've done EC a number of times before and have definitely felt and seen it working. So I should be able to tell if the clen will be effective.
    Give updates please love to know if it worked for you.This is my first time unlike you so dont really know what I should be feeling but I know for one havent felt nothing at 180mcgs & 3wks into it.

  13. #13
    arshigtx is offline Junior Member
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    Okay whats up, I just got my clen today. It's 4 pm and I just took 40mcg/0.2mL/0.2cc. I'm feeling kind of energetic, probably because I'm excited but w/e haha.
    Anyways I'm not expecting anything crazy since it's a pretty low dosage, but still going to play it on the safe side and gauge how I react to it.

    Btw it tastes really sweet haha.

  14. #14
    nyspqr's Avatar
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    oh, that sweet, sweet taste of clen , got to love it! Taking the dose so late in the day doesn't mess up your sleep? I can't take that stuff past noon.

  15. #15
    m5rican is offline New Member
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    Well Fellas, I'm in Iraq taking Clen and T3. I'm up to 80 mcg of clen and 50 mcg of t3. All I'm feeling is alert for about 4 hours after taking it but then i'm crashing HARD. I also have body aches and muscle spasms. What batch numbers did u guys get?

  16. #16
    tballz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m5rican View Post
    Well Fellas, I'm in Iraq taking Clen and T3. I'm up to 80 mcg of clen and 50 mcg of t3. All I'm feeling is alert for about 4 hours after taking it but then i'm crashing HARD. I also have body aches and muscle spasms. What batch numbers did u guys get?
    Up your taurine, potassium and water intake. That should help with the muscle cramps and spasms.

  17. #17
    freakinhuge is offline Senior Member
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    definitely up the water intake, the clen t3 combo is gret and should help you drop some pounds.

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