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  1. #1
    srobby90 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2010

    Dosing Liquid Tamox

    I received my order very quickly (2 days) but I'm not exactly sure how to dose out this tamox. I thought it would come with a syringe/dropper but it just came as a bottle. Do I need to order some slin syringes to use?

    EDIT: I emailed them and they're sending me a syringe. Thumbs up for customer service.
    Last edited by srobby90; 04-28-2010 at 12:20 PM.

  2. #2
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    You should have gotten a measuring syringe...either 1ml or 3ml syringe only. Email ar-r and they will send it if it didn't come with your tamox.

    Are you on cycle? Are you using it for pct?

  3. #3
    srobby90 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by tballz View Post
    You should have gotten a measuring syringe...either 1ml or 3ml syringe only. Email ar-r and they will send it if it didn't come with your tamox.

    Are you on cycle? Are you using it for pct?
    Well, I'm not gonna start my cycle until I have an accurate method of dosing out my PCT.

  4. #4
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    What's your cycle look like? You only using tamox and no clomid?

  5. #5
    srobby90 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by tballz View Post
    What's your cycle look like? You only using tamox and no clomid?
    Probably going to get flamed to hell for this, but it's superdrol 20/20/20.

  6. #6
    itsmeagain1003 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2010
    Do you take liquid Tamox daily? I just started my cycle 2 weeks ago Test Cyp( 10 weeks cycle), 1 cc on sunday and wednesday. Do i need to start taking liquid Tamox now or near the end of my cycle? whats the right dose amount to take and how often. Thanks

  7. #7
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    Sep 2009
    Tamox is generally used for pct.

    You need to to do some more research on the subject.

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