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  1. #1
    Steel_Balls's Avatar
    Steel_Balls is offline New Member
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    Better for Weight Loss?

    Looking to do a cycle of Clen or Anavar which would be the best for losing weight and why?

    Note I've been taking Ephedrine for a while which is why I'm leaning towards Clen a little more.

  2. #2
    SlimJoe is offline Banned
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    Anavar is a steroid , clenbuterol isn't I would go with clenbuterol and maybe chuck some ephedrine in also use them right + cardio+clean diet = weight loss

  3. #3
    Steel_Balls's Avatar
    Steel_Balls is offline New Member
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    Well I put on a lot of weight going from clean eating at home to deep fried food at school. I originally lived in Canada and then moved to Kansas for college and the food at my school sucks and I have no other choice for what to eat. In the summer I'll be moving into a friends house and cooking my own food so my diet will be clean. I'll also be training pretty much all day aside from being in school.

    So can you mix Clen with Ephedrine? and how would you go about doing that?

  4. #4
    sixoner is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steel_Balls View Post
    So can you mix Clen with Ephedrine? and how would you go about doing that?
    yes slimjoe can you please elaborate how to effectively use both clenbuteral and ephedrine at the same time and what the benefits are.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Clenbuterol is very strong, I would use that on its own, or possibly add t3 with it. Both very good thermogenics. Make sure to look into keto and taurine for your clen cycle.

  6. #6
    SlimJoe is offline Banned
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    2 weeks on clen 2 weeks off with low dose ephedrine added onto your next 2 weeks with clen

  7. #7
    teddykgb29 is offline Associate Member
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    if you use keto with your clen you can run it straight through without taking the 2 weeks off.

  8. #8
    sixoner is offline Member
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    slim its not a good idea to run clen and ephedra together bro, ive seen you post this a few times before. clenbuteral selectively targets the beta-2 adrenergic receptors. through continual use the receptors become desensitized at a fast rate (tachyphylaxis). which in my experience is around 10 days of considerable dosing. at which point the compound becomes ineffective. so you are correct in saying that take two weeks off, this allows your receptors to recover naturally. the other option is to run ketotifen in conjunction with your clenbuteral to keep the receptors sensitive, clenbuteral working optimally, and the ability to run the compound effectively for much longer periods.

    ephedra also taxes the beta-2 adrenergic receptors so taking these two compounds simultaneously would result in tachyphylaxis setting in a lot faster rendering the compounds minimally effective if at all in a much much shorter span of time and 10days with just clen is already short time bro so I really don't see the logic behind running those two compounds at the same time ...

    those compounds conflict so one or the other is a better approach...and its certainly not wise to substitute one for the other if you are using the 2week on/off protocol because your receptors would never recover
    Last edited by sixoner; 02-15-2011 at 10:53 PM.

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