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Thread: hey

  1. #1
    blksavage's Avatar
    blksavage is offline Member
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    Feb 2012


    has anyone ever ran a tren ethanate, masteron ethanate and test cypionate cycle? I was thinking of front loading 30 mg if d-bol a day for four weeks and then run drop it and begin my cycle pinning e3d. I will be running 12.5 of aromasin ed along with milkthistle. I also have winny, anavar , equpoise and proviron to harden up and cut my gains. clomid for pct 150/100/50/25. should I include one of those cutting agents in with the cycle I was thinking winny. in the mean time I'm going to be dieting and training before I do anything

  2. #2
    blksavage's Avatar
    blksavage is offline Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I think I'm in wrong forum sorry

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