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  1. #1
    noob2012 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2012

    1st time w/Test E stack, help please

    I'm new to this type of cycle. Can some one please direct me on how to use my cycle? Also, if the amount I have is enough. I think I only have 5 weeks worth of Test E and not sure if I have enough of Var, HCG , & Nolvadex . Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    My gear:
    -(1)Anavar : 10mg per tab, 100 tab bottle
    - (1)Test E: 300mg per ml, 10cc/ml
    - (1) HCG: 1000 units (little Vial)
    - (1) Bacteriostatic Water, 10cc/ml
    - Nolvadex: 20mg per tab, 21 tabs total

    Age: 32
    height: 5'7
    weight: 150lbs
    bodyfat: 15%
    training experience: 16 yrs
    goals: decrease body fat around 5%, lean mass, tight looking muscles

  2. #2
    V-ROID's Avatar
    V-ROID is offline Member
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    Jun 2009
    There is a way you could stretch that out but the diet will be more important in meeting your goal than the gear. Also that amount of nolva won't last much more than a week. Training 16 years at 150lbs and 15% (how you measure bf?) is WAY off from being close to natural potential. Gear can be a motivating factor to get you going but I really don't think you need it yet. Would be curious to know what your training is and also your diet. Everyone here is going to hound you for that info before telling you much so you might as well give the details. I and lots of people came hear with similar goals/plans and end up finding out a better way to get there.
    Last edited by V-ROID; 03-21-2012 at 04:06 PM.

  3. #3
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    Jul 2011
    Wrong section bro..
    Posting in the Questions & Answers forum will get much more attention
    this forum is just for questions about our sponsor who deals solely in research chemicals, not steroids

    To answer a few of the questions:
    -you'll need another vial of Test E
    -Anavar is typically taken around 60mg a day (some take more) so you'll be short on that as well.
    -hcg is best to take on cycle. For a 10-12 week cycle you'll need about 5000iu
    -bac water you have more than enough
    -Nolva, for pct alone, it is usually taken for 4 weeks. 40mg/day first 2 weeks, 20mg day the last 2 weeks, so you'll need more of that as well

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