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  1. #1
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thumbs up liquid T3 is not a joke

    This product is insane, i was stuck between 240 and 235 pounds i am 40 years old and even with good diet my weight would not go down below 230 pounds.

    I added T3 3 weeks ago at 50 mcg per day, now i am at 75mcg per day, nothing happened in the first 2 weeks but this week all hell broke loose, sweating, sweating and today i weighted myself i am at 222 pounds, this stuff is amazing.

    Now lets see if i can get to 200 pounds. I just ordered albuterol last week, and plan on cutting carbs a bit more.

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    don't tempt me! =)

  3. #3
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Its a bit scary has you know i also use 1IU of GH per day but i doubt this is what made the difference, i have not lost weight that fast since i was around 25 and taking the ECA stack.

  4. #4
    capetown's Avatar
    capetown is offline Senior Member
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    I love t3.

  5. #5
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    But is it normal to lose weight that fast???? this is crazy......

  6. #6
    skinnykenney's Avatar
    skinnykenney is offline Senior Member
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    How do you know for sure

    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    Its a bit scary has you know i also use 1IU of GH per day but i doubt this is what made the difference, i have not lost weight that fast since i was around 25 and taking the ECA stack.
    Sounds like you started the hgh about the same time as the T3 and you sound a little unsure as
    To what has caused the dramatic loss. I didn't have as much weight to loose as you (204lbs,6'1",18%bf). No t3 in my study but I am on 2iu hgh Ed and have been for about six weeks. At about the two wks in the hgh I started dropping bf dramatically! I havnt checked my bf since I started but can honestly say I havnt looked like this since 1998. I now weigh 190, that's a 14lb drop of bf. not saying the t3 isn't doing anything, more so thinking the combination of the t3 and hgh is what has helped you have a even more dramatic bf loss than I did. If I ever get fat again this tells me t3 and hgh is a really good combo for dropping that bf! (sweet)
    If you doing that great on the combo why take the extra health risk by adding albuterol?
    Congrats by the way!!!

  7. #7
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Its amazing isnt it. about 3 months or so ago i was using another companies t3 and wasnt getting any increased fat loss. I switched to ar-r figuring id try theirs since they alwauys have good quality. Man the results were astounding. I hadnt done t3 in years but man im glad i did this go round.

  8. #8
    skinnykenney's Avatar
    skinnykenney is offline Senior Member
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    I'm going to have to add it to my hgh!

  9. #9
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    Hey fellas do you dose it on an empty stomach and not eat/drink anything for an hr after?

  10. #10
    Dano44 is offline New Member
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    The little information I have read about T3, it sounds like it increases tyroid hormone production. Since my tyroid level is on the lower scale of the normal range, I tend to lose weight sloooooooooooowly. If so, this might be a good thing for me to add to my 1iu/daily of HGH?

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