Great for Postworkout.......
How ever much oats you usually eat- me 3/4 cup dry. Put in microwave safe bowl, add water, stick in microwave, usually takes bout a min to min.5. Now add 1/4-1/2 cup non-fat milk, a few raisens, cinnamon, Splenda-2 packets(if you choose to), 1/4 cup fiber 1 cereal, and what ever protein powder you like. The key is the Protein powder must taste good, I actually add Labrada Low Carb Lean Body- Choc, and I have a scoop that measures out 8 grams of protein out of 1 packet. (there's 42 grams of protein p/packet, 5 scoops p/packet- so that's where the 8 grams p/scoop come from) so I add 2 rounded scoops to my oatmeal, mix this all in and it get's nice and creamy--emm...I can't wait to eat it tomorrow morning. It's very tasty. 69 clean, healthy carbs, slow GI's to carry you through that workout, and around 30 grams of Protein. Try it...