I cook for 2 so the recipe that follows is for 2 servings.

1 Tbsp of Olive Oil or Canola Oil
2 Salmon fillets (4-6 ounces)

For Salsa;

2 Medium Tomatoes (diced)
1 1/2 TbSp of Flat leaf (italian) Parlsey (chopped)
1/2 Lemon (juiced)
1 Tbsp Black Olives (chopped) (you can buy chopped)
1 Tbsp Green Olives (chopped)
2 cloves of Garlic (minced)
1 Tbsp of Capers

To start off I would suggest to chop up all the ingredients and put them on a plate. Tomatoes, parsley, black olives, green olives, garlic, and capers.

After that you can pre-heat the oven to 450 degrees for 5-10 min.

Brush the salmon with Olive oil or canola oil and place on a baking dish (for easy clean up you can place aluminum foil over the baking dish so it wont stain the dish). Then add salt and pepper. Place the dish in the oven and let bake for 12-15 min. or until the fish is flaky and cooked through

While your fish is baking get a pan and turn on your stove to medium-high heat and place the pan over the burner. Add the 1 Tbsp of oil. Then add in the salsa mixture and squeeze the lemon juice over the mixture. Cook for 5 min. or until tomatoes soften. Once your salsa is cooked remove from heat.

Pull out your fish once it is done place on a serving plate and then add the salsa on top of the fish.

and enjoy!