Food Portion/Description Calories Protein Carbs Fats
Tuna 1 can (2.8 oz) 80 18 1 1
Cheese 1 slice (Kraft) 45 4 2 2.5
Bread 2 slices (Ezekiel) 160 8 30 1
Cottage Cheese 1 TBSP 25 5 1 1
Baby Spinach 1/2 cup (don't chop) 5 0.5 1 0
Boiled Egg Whites 2 (cut large chunks) 60 7 0 3.5
TOTALS n/a 375 42.5 35 9

Fast and easy. I spread all the ingredients in no particular order. Wrap it in aluminum foil and put it in the Foreman Grill on medium for about 2 minutes. Pretty filling for 375 calories. You could also use some mayo, but it's super high in calories and I wanted to keep this under 400 calories. The cottage cheese gives it a bit of a sweet taste and I use that instead of mayo.
