What's up guys!

I've been beating up the search button, like a pimp beats his low rent whores, researching the use of CJC-1293, Ipamorelin, S4, Osta and GW50, but there's so much info out there, that I'm getting information overload. Now I may be a noob here, but not to the game. The thing is, I've never use these compounds before.

BTW - Check out my "Hello" thread so you guys know where I'm coming from

Anyways, on August 12th, I will be leaving for the Merchant Marines; I will be at their facility in Piney Point Maryland for a year, during boot camp and training, so what I am trying to do is get get my fat ass in better shape, since I know they're going to work me like that pimp works his $2 whores.

Now getting to my question... from my research, the peps will be pointless to start, since I will be leaving in August. From my understanding, you really need to be on them fro a good 4 to 6 months to see any real results. Now if I am wrong, please let me know.

As for the SARMs , giving that it's the 23rd and I still need to place the order, then allotting time for shipping, maybe a week, that will give me basically a month to be on it. Is that enough time to get any real benefit out of it?

I am in the gym 5 days a week. I have been focusing on cardio, doing 55 mins on the treadmill. I have just started incorporating weight training these last 2 weeks, but I mainly want to focus on getting my BF down.

As for my diet, I have been doing a low carb, high protein, high fat diet... basically the Atkins diet. I do my cardio on an empty stomach, save for an Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey shake (3g of carbs), mixed with Flax seed oil, and a BSN NO Xplode drink. My meal is a shit ton of sweet dead cow, pig, fish or foul flesh and 2 cups of broccoli. I try to keep my carbs around 20 net carbs a day. My BIGGEST issue with eating is I DON'T eat. Most days, I'll have that one shake and then the one meal, however on weight days, I've been making a point to take in a double scoop shake and some BCAA after the workout, for the rapid protein intake. I did buy some Atkins snack bars to eat through out the day, but I know... I know... it's not the same.

So... as for doing a cycle of S4, Osta, and GW50, is it pointless to do it for a month? I was thinking about bring it with me, but with classes, details, and everything else I will be doing, who know what kind of gym time I'll get in.

Thanks guys!