as stated in my introduction thread, I am keeping a log to keep myself organized and follow my progress to keep myself motivated and on task. first I'll start with an introduction.

age 24
height 6'
weight 235lb
bf% 24.3

training 7 yrs.

I used to be much more lean. I had two injuries in the last two years that really set myself back from a fitness and diet standpoint. I hurt my lower back a year ago. two months ago I had emergency knee surgery for a badly torn meniscus. I was cleared for physio last Friday but have been back in the gym for 2 weeks training 4 days a week. and with a better nutrition plan.

please chime in and critique/make suggestions to what you see I appreciate input.

typical training


now that my knee is much better I can ride the stationary bike so I'll plan to do 20 mins on that every training day

I am currently training on a 60percent of max 12-15 reps 5 sets. last 2 are drop sets to failure.

1 day off I mix depending on my schedule.

based on the tdee calculator my calorie intake should be about 3200 cal.
for a diet I was thinking 2700 a day.

1 cup of oatmeal w/1 tbsp of sugar free syrup
1scoop of protein isolate - mix with water

snack granola bar
unsweetened apple sauce

chicken breast
1cup brown rice

protein bar

chicken breast
1cup brown rice


post w/o

1 scoop isolate

might have a snack after that

please make suggestions!

my goal is 200-210 15% bf so I can gear up!