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Thread: AE thru cycle?

  1. #1

    AE thru cycle?

    is it ok to take nolv 10-20mg a day for the 12 weeks during cycle? then use clom for 20 days for pct with hcg?? i usually had just used them in pct but im wondering if it will benefit me to try it this way. thanks in advance for your feedback

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Nolva on cycle is a terrible idea... What do you think it would do?

    Clomid and HCG for PCT is missing key componets...

  3. #3
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    diet summary/# meals per day (include how much your food weighs and macros)
    years lifting / workout split
    cycle experience
    pct/estrogen control knowledge
    goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...)

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    Nolva on cycle is a terrible idea... What do you think it would do?

    Clomid and HCG for PCT is missing key componets...
    on the site i get my gear it recomends an AE ED thru cycle and 10 days clom with 5000 iu hcg for PCT ...ive never done it this way so thats why i wanted an educated opinion. thought maybe it would keep E levels more stable

  5. #5
    Use an AI instead.Are you gyno prone?Use nolva if gyno symptoms appear,if not just use it during pct.
    Hope that helps.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2008
    First of all it's AI (aromitase inhibitor) and nolva is a SERM a good AI to run on cycle is Proviron of Aromasin. Or letro if you're really prone to gyno or using a 19nor. Nolva pct is terrible. You need an AI throughout pct as well. The HCG should be run last two weeks of cycle and first two weeks of PCT. Do some more research man. You're not ready for gear.

  7. #7
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    Nolva is just going to hinder your gains...

    Lay out your cycle and PCT bro, lets see, if thats you in the avatar, i can tell your older than 21, and you have a nice base...

    Format the cycle like this:

    Week 1-12: Test E @250mg 2xW
    Week 1-4: Dbol @30mgs ED
    Week etc...

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    diet summary/# meals per day (include how much your food weighs and macros)
    years lifting / workout split
    cycle experience
    pct/estrogen control knowledge
    goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...)
    4 meals day*4 shakes 45g protien per shake...not 2 specific but mainly consists of carbs in the am for first meal and low carb meals thru day
    8yrs lifting
    2 cycles completed
    fair knowledge of PCT and E control...but still novice
    goals = continuing steady gain...eventually 230lbs dry

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by lcstriker07 View Post
    First of all it's AI (aromitase inhibitor) and nolva is a SERM a good AI to run on cycle is Proviron of Aromasin. Or letro if you're really prone to gyno or using a 19nor. Nolva pct is terrible. You need an AI throughout pct as well. The HCG should be run last two weeks of cycle and first two weeks of PCT. Do some more research man. You're not ready for gear.

    hes fine, you guys are just jumping to conclusions... Lets see what his cycle and PCT looks like...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by cg1583 View Post
    4 meals day*4 shakes 45g protien per shake I can alreeady tell you, thats way too many shakes......not 2 specific but mainly consists of carbs in the am for first meal and low carb meals thru day Get specific, i want to know EXACTLY what a regulars days worth of food looks like.
    8yrs lifting
    2 cycles completed what cycles? explain.
    fair knowledge of PCT and E control...but still novice
    goals = continuing steady gain...eventually 230lbs dry
    Fix these and let me see the diet, take your time, and include marcos if you can...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Yeah, alright. Good stats. Guess that's him in the pic. Looking good man. Sorry to jump on your ass. So many kids jump on hear thinking steroids are magic and effortless. Your diet ned serious work though. Too many shakes. Post total protein cals carbs and fats and macros.
    Just put up what you would eat on a day to day basis.
    Last edited by lcstriker07; 09-02-2008 at 02:16 PM. Reason: nvm guess it's not natty (I gotta start reading the whole thread before I post!)

  12. #12
    wk1-12 - 550mg Andropen 275
    wk 1-5 - 20mg dbol
    pct 30 days clomid = 10 days 150mg 10-100, 10-50
    last ten days also using nolva 20mg day
    with 5000iu/2 hcg first two weeks of pct

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by lcstriker07 View Post
    First of all it's AI (aromitase inhibitor) and nolva is a SERM a good AI to run on cycle is Proviron of Aromasin. Or letro if you're really prone to gyno or using a 19nor. Nolva pct is terrible. You need an AI throughout pct as well. The HCG should be run last two weeks of cycle and first two weeks of PCT. Do some more research man. You're not ready for gear.
    So you recomend never using Nolva for anything?

  14. #14
    k the diet does need work im stedily trying to further my knowledge of nutrition but an average day would be

    7am- 2 cups oatmeal and shake

    9am shake

    11am- two cans tuna fillet plus a fruit like banana or apple

    1pm shake

    3pm - 1 bonless skiless chicken breast with greens

    5pm shake

    7pm - 2 or 3 talapia fillets with greens

    cycles include

    first cycle was test only with (sust 300) 500mg per week for 10 weeks with clomid and nolv pct sam as in last post no hcg

    second cycle was same as the cycle i just posted but only used dbol for 3 weeks cuz i wasnt fully educated on contoling my estrogen levels and didnt want to push my luck....thats why im researchin for the next couple months b4 i start a new cycle

    P.S. im still learning the forum lingo so forgive me if im not calling things by the proper terms

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by lcstriker07 View Post
    Yeah, alright. Good stats. Guess that's him in the pic. Looking good man. Sorry to jump on your ass. So many kids jump on hear thinking steroids are magic and effortless. Your diet ned serious work though. Too many shakes. Post total protein cals carbs and fats and macros.
    Just put up what you would eat on a day to day basis.
    i try for somewhere around 2g protein per pound of body weight..carbs i try to keep under 150 per day never really counted calories but im sure their around 3500 a day maybe more

  16. #16
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    1) You are NOT eating nearly enough!

    2) You aren't weighing your food! Youre not even getting the bare minimum of protein intake a day. You should be getting around 200grms of protein from FOOD a day. 50grms of protein from shakes a day is ok....

    3) Youre missing healthy fats ( fish oil, nut oils, ect...)

    4) 6 smaller meals throughout the day will keep you in a positive nitrogen balance.

    Quote Originally Posted by cg1583 View Post
    k the diet does need work im stedily trying to further my knowledge of nutrition but an average day would be

    7am- 2 cups oatmeal and shake (86 the shake, make those two cups around 80grms(dry weight) and add 6-8 egg whites.)

    9am (I would eat around 10 though.) shake (86 this... Add 6oz of chicken, 7oz of sweet potato)

    11am- (I would move this to 12:30 or 12) two cans tuna fillet plus a fruit like banana or apple (terrible, eat around 6 oz of tuna, you can add 1 tablespoon of non-fat mayo if you like, and maybe 175grams of barley)

    1pm (Maybe 3 o clock ) shake (86 this! Add 6 oz chicken, turkey, or beef 175 grams cooked barley or Lentils )

    3pm (Move this to 5:30) - 1 bonless skiless chicken breast with greens
    ( Make it 6oz of chicken or turkey, with 7 oz of potato, and 4oz of mixed greens)

    5pm shake (This is ok, i like my ONE shake a day after my workout... Add some)

    7pm (And this to around 7 or 7:30) - 2 or 3 talapia fillets with greens

    Filets? How many oz? 6-7 is good, i like fish as well. Add 7oz of potatos (i cheat and usually have a baked around dinner) as well as 4 oz of mixed veggies, 6oz green salad with a 1tbl of olive oil and 300grams of fruit

    cycles include

    first cycle was test only with (sust 300) 500mg per week for 10 weeks with clomid and nolv pct sam as in last post no hcg

    second cycle was same as the cycle i just posted but only used dbol for 3 weeks cuz i wasnt fully educated on contoling my estrogen levels and didnt want to push my luck....thats why im researchin for the next couple months b4 i start a new cycle

    P.S. im still learning the forum lingo so forgive me if im not calling things by the proper terms
    Last edited by WARMachine; 09-02-2008 at 02:49 PM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by cg1583 View Post
    i try for somewhere around 2g protein per pound of body weight..carbs i try to keep under 150 per day never really counted calories but im sure their around 3500 a day maybe more

    There is no way your getting 2gs of protein per pund with your current diet... The carbs choices are bad... Btw, for my advice of carbs, brown rice is another good choice instead of potatos(i get tired of them eventually)
    Last edited by WARMachine; 09-02-2008 at 03:04 PM.

  18. #18
    wk1-12 - 550mg Andropen 275
    shoot it 0.5ml eod- 2x a week wont cut it. test e would be better
    wk 1-5 - 20mg dbol
    20mg is low
    pct 30 days clomid = 10 days 150mg 10-100, 10-50
    way too much 25mg max
    last ten days also using nolva 20mg day
    nolva needs to be the base of all pct
    with 5000iu/2 hcg first two weeks of pct
    anything more than 500iu in a shot will hurt you more than help you

    estrogen/progesterone side effect control on cycle

    my pct

    hcg crash course

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperG View Post
    So you recomend never using Nolva for anything?
    only in pct, read these

    estrogen/progesterone side effect control on cycle

    my pct

  20. #20
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    Bastard... ^^^ I was gonna do that...

  21. #21
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    What no bump for my diet advice CQ1583??

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    What no bump for my diet advice CQ1583??
    hey i went in fitday last night my lask cycle was 8000cals a cay

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    What no bump for my diet advice CQ1583??
    lol...sorry, i had to step away for a minute...i definatly appriciate the diet info.. i guess i was trying to get the bulk of my protien thru shakes and not really concentrating on food like i shud.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    shoot it 0.5ml eod- 2x a week wont cut it. test e would be better
    (yea i was going to shoot eod this time around i read because it has long med and short esthers its better that way but baseline levels are good thru ten days according to the gear source. )

    20mg is low( i just didnt want to push it...i just take 1 5mg every four hours .)

    way too much 25mg max

    nolva needs to be the base of all pct

    anything more than 500iu in a shot will hurt you more than help you

    estrogen/progesterone side effect control on cycle

    my pct

    hcg crash course
    i will be reading up on these links so i appriciate that... so i guess my question is ..since i already have the andropen and dbol...what would you recomend then for my pct? ...i really dont have anyone who would buy the gear i got so far so im stuck with what i got..but i wont be starting cycle till layoff in december so i got till then to figure out a good pct.

    btw i take fish oil supps and also forgot to add i eat mixed nuts throughout the day when i get hungry between meals
    Last edited by cg1583; 09-02-2008 at 04:49 PM.

  25. #25
    so after reading the threads would i be much better off with folowing his pct protocol ?
    (-2)-2:hcg 500iu 2x a week (optional)
    1-6: nolva 20mg ed
    1-4: clomid 25mg (optional)
    1-4: proviron 50mg ed OR 1-4: aromasin 50mg ed
    or does this pct only work for his specific cycle and gear?

  26. #26
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    Generally, that PCT is good for all cycles...

    Everyone is gonna give you a a different opinon, but, this works for us...

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by cg1583 View Post
    i will be reading up on these links so i appriciate that... so i guess my question is ..since i already have the andropen and dbol...what would you recomend then for my pct? ...i really dont have anyone who would buy the gear i got so far so im stuck with what i got..but i wont be starting cycle till layoff in december so i got till then to figure out a good pct.

    btw i take fish oil supps and also forgot to add i eat mixed nuts throughout the day when i get hungry between meals
    if you already got the gear go for it
    just shoot the andop eod other than that you had it straight

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by cg1583 View Post
    so after reading the threads would i be much better off with folowing his pct protocol ?

    or does this pct only work for his specific cycle and gear?
    pct is pct
    as long as the gear is cleared your system it doesnt matter what you took, the point is you are shut down
    that pct is gtg.

    for your cycle you can drop the 2 optional things, test and dbol arent too hard on the hpta like tren or deca. but if you got the cash- the thicker the pct the better

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