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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #4281
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post

    If you were me and had only 2 carbs meals in low-carb day, what would you choose for the best time? The workout time is in the evening after finishing work at office (around 6 PM).
    Breakfast and Post-Workout? or Breakfast and Pre-Workout? Breakfast and pre-workout would be better and add in a few fats pre-workout to keep from running out of energy..By not taking in carbs post-workout you will lose even more body fat!

    That's great, Big Ron..
    I'll do as what you said.

    My usual schedule is I workout at 6 PM in the evening (after finishing work at office). I train for 1 hour and do low-moderate intensity cardio (120-130BPM) for 25-30 minutes then post-workout at 7.30 PM I have 50 gram protein from good quality whey protein isolate.
    Then 45-60 minutes later (about 8:15 PM), I have a dinner consists of 9 oz of boneless chicken breast + 1 cup of steamed broccoli + 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (since you recommend taking out carb post-workout).
    My last meal of the day is at 11 PM which consists of 1 scoop of whey protein isolate + 1 cup egg whites + 1 whole egg + 1 tablespoon of peanut butter.
    Right after finishing meal, I go to bed at 11.15 PM

    My concern is does the fat content of last 2 meals at night affect the GH release & blunt the GH?
    How does it compared to if I incorporate carbs at dinner (2 slices of whole wheat bread) but removing the extra virgin olive oil?

  2. #4282
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Hey Ron whats up bud,

    Im taking about 6-8 weeks off from my last 14 week cut "i cruise on 250". Do you think 6 weeks is enough or should i give my body a longer break? Ive been on for a while.

    Ive come the the realization that i wont run test higher then 600 or my hair sheds like im on chemo.

    Here is what i got for my next blast and i want your opinion on the best way to run under my circumstances.

    I have 150 25mg Tbol caps
    Test enth " as much as i need"
    2 vials of Eq300 "never ran eq because i heard its a waste but willing to try.
    Deca 250 as much as i need.

    Help me put together a nice blast. My thoughts now are something like....

    week 1-8
    Test 500mg
    Tbol 75mg a day until run out.
    Should i put EQ in here? I would have enough for 750mg for 8 weeks? or save for last 8?

    Weeks 11-18
    Test 600
    Deca 500?

    I keep caber on hand not worried about sexual performance.. hasnt been hard on me yet with deca.

    how would you put what i have on hand for a nice blast..?

    Ive done a few Blasts so far and put on about 20lb of mass in the last 2 years so im pretty happy. I am a small frame with more of a physique body but im ok with that.

    ive learned that cardio even while bulking keeps me leaner "3 days a week 45min"

    I also learned "from you and Tom Venutos book burn the fat feed the muscle" That keeping my carbs and fats in seperate meals does an amazing job at keeping me lean.

    First 3 meals carbs and protein "i train in the AM" and last 3 meals are Protein fats and veggies.

    Again thanks for all your help, you have been a blessing.

  3. #4283
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    why cant i post anything not using the words they say but still says no

  4. #4284
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    big ron..thoughts on masteron .......during pct???? Do not use masteron during PCT! Even though masteron has anti-estrogen properties it also has moderate anabolic properties that will delay full testicular function.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 08-01-2012 at 08:33 PM.

  5. #4285
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    a bro at my gym has question for you ronnie.....supraspinatus tendon screwed up.... cant take lateral raises at any angle ....overhead press on machine cause no pain........could 8 sets for that one shoulder exercise be used to make up for lost volume?????? I generally don't recommend over 6 sets per exercise but if it does not flare up his irritated shoulder joint or create elbow pain due to all the extra pressing, then it would be okay. Vince Gironda was known for doing 8 sets of 8 reps per exercise and it is an effective way to put on size. Have him use a pretty wide grip to increase stimulation to the side delts during the overhead press given that grip does not cause him to have tendon pain. Some people have to employ a narrow grip when experiencing supraspinatus tendon flare-ups. Also haver him try partial one arm at a time cable and dumbell lateral raises working in the lower range of that exercise ONLY with light weghts and 15 reps per set.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 08-13-2012 at 06:27 AM.

  6. #4286
    Hey Ronnie

    Ive started the slingshot program after a 2 week lay off from AAS an training ( I'm assuming is equal to a deload ?) so I've started on the reload program you have posted at the start of this thread with a max of 12 sets ( warmups an prep set [for first exercise only] not inclusive of 12 sets ?? ) but am not 100% sure what split to do for a 5 day training program ( found the one you posted on another site which was chest & calves, back & abs, shoulders & traps, arms, and legs) is this preferable or should I just do 1 group per day?

    Also what exercises for the other muscle groups (only saw your chest day sample) and we're the reps an sets still 1-2 warmups 12-15 then 4 x 8-10 working sets is that the same for isolation exercises ?? Thanks again

  7. #4287
    Great post! Thats what I am here for, Thank you.

  8. #4288
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by alex.mitev View Post
    Exactly, the low dose naltrexone is the LDN I`m reffering to. IMO this works wonders. I've never used LDN but if it works for you then stick to it.
    Moreover, how should i do the carb loading. You do not have to use precision with the once a week carb load. Just don't over do fast burning carbs or you will crash . Consume plenty of slow burning carbs and eat pretty much what you want without stretching out your stomach in excess, Now, I load every 6th or 7th day. Here is what my menu consists of (workout day):

    7 am - 9 egg whites, 1 whole egg, 100 gr rice
    10 am - 220 gr chicken, veggies, 15 ml sesame oil or olive oil
    12;30 - 220 gr chicken, veggies, 15 ml sesame oil/olive oil
    3;30-4 pm 220 gr chicken, 100 gr rice
    6pm 30 gr whey protein, 15 ml sesame oil
    6;30 workout
    8 pm 30 gr whey protein
    9 pm 220 gr chicken, 70-80 gr walnuts
    How would i go about carb loading and modifying fats?

    Also once the second reloads starts, you said i`d increase carbs by 50 gr weekly, but how many carb meals i`ll be gettin daily? Only 3 (breakfast , pre and post workout or more?) For some 3 carb meals daily is all that's needed or they start getting fat while others need carbs every meal. What's your somatotype (meso, endo or ecto?)
    Thanks in advance

  9. #4289
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by dtrain17 View Post
    okay so i'll post up a cycle i wanna do soon. I can't get masteron for a while like you recommended though.

    1-8 test e (500 mgs), proviron (50 mgs), hcg (500 i.u)
    9-10 test e (250mgs), hcg (1500 i.u, split into 2 shots) keep hcg at 500 ius during deloads. Then after you go off your cycle use more hcg for 2 weeks. I think you will be fine doing a 20 week slingshot cycle then waiting to increase hcg for 2 weeks after the 20 week cycle has been completed. Keep hcg at 500 ius weekly for 20 weeks then increase it for 2 week after the 20 weeks is complete. Keeping aromasin on hand is always a good idea. Also, some need letro to knock out gyno if it's a severe case but i would not use letro for over 2 weeks at a time. It's very hard on the body as a whole.
    and then here if i can i would do another blast, but i forget what i do if i want kids (i don't know yet so i'd like to be on the safe side.) also i know you recommend eq in both cycles but i'd like to use test alone first to see the sides, and i was wondering if eq would be better to add in the next cycle or should i just bump up test dosage..too many options! Anyways the next blast would be: actually i do not recommend eq. It's better to use more test imo.

    1-8 test e (500mgs), eq (600mgs), proviron (50mgs), hcg (500 i.u). (i would increase test to 750 mgs here whether you add in the 600mgs of eq or not.9-10 test e (250mgs)

    pct: Starts 1 week after last test shot (i think?)

    1-2 hcg (1000 i.u eod) (you recommended, to keep $ down)
    1-4 nolva (20mg ed) *if idc about libido, then proviron isn't really useful here?
    I think you recommend aromasin to have on hand for during cycle also, i know adex is worst.
    Thanks ronnie, i know this is a lot of questions but i'm almost ready i think, i'll post pics up to show everyone the transformation!

  10. #4290
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by covs-owen View Post
    hi my name is owen im 31 years of age looking for help i no you will all go mad about this but please im looking for help.iv been working hard at my gym for the last year now and just wanted a bit of a kick start with my size as i have no probs getting big chest but arms just so hard to build after a long look over the internet and a lot of words from i friend that has been lifting for about 10 years.

    I been and got tri-tren 150 and trenbolone acetate iv been told i should take 1m of tri-tren for the first week and then after that i should take 1m of each every week.i no this is a hard steroid and im not sure i should be talking about this on here but could really do with a bit of help as i have now been told i should be running a test-e with this but the source i got these of said it is fine just to run both once a would be great full if someone could help me thank you well, you never inject tren acetate just once a week. It only last for 2 days max so that would not work. You would need to inject 1 cc of tren acetate every other day or (monday, wednesday, friday) if used alone. If running both tri-tren and tren acetate during a first cycle then my suggestion would be to inject half a cc of both products eod or 3 times per week. That's 1/2 cc of tri-tren and half a cc of ten acetate in the same syringe meaning you will be injecting 1 cc of tren esters each injection.

  11. #4291
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    B.C Canada
    Ronnie, first i just want to say thanks! your info is great!
    second I was wandering if you have a book out that i could purchase etc?
    And I am just about to do a test enenthate/anavar cycle and was wandering if I should do a "anabolic prime" for the first 2 wks after first injection to wait till it kicks in before I start my reload or should I start my 8 week reload and my first shot at the same time?

    stats: 31yrs old body type: ectomorphy
    planning on taking 500mgs/wk of TEST E for 10 weeks. and anavar 70mgs/day from weeks 5-10 and a pct with nolva/hgc

    I am looking into doing a more involved and mesured diet plan this cycle and I am looking for more info to read, any suggestions?
    Last edited by MADMAX1078; 08-02-2012 at 11:15 PM.

  12. #4292
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Okay that sounds good, thanks for the repliy! The reason I thought eq would be good is because i'm more of an ectomorph and it's hard for me to eat as much as I need to.
    If i'm on aas I figured I need to up my protein a bit, and i'm at maybe 1.2 grams per lbs now (natural) which is around 210 grams of protein and is around the max I could get. I know it doesn't always increase appetite but I figured I would take the chance, but it's also pricey to use 600 mgs when I could use something else at half the amount with around the same results.

  13. #4293


    I just started a test cycle two weeks ago the first week I took 100 mgs and the second week I took 200mgs and now my nipples are hurting I don't feel any lumps can somebody help me with this I would like to know if anybody have had this?
    Last edited by Jerseyboy2180; 08-03-2012 at 07:04 PM.

  14. #4294
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerseyboy2180
    I just started a test cycle two weeks ago the first week I took 100 mgs and the second week I took 200mgs and now my nipples are hurting I don't feel any lumps can somebody help me with this I would like to know if anybody have had this?
    Start your on thread man. Damn

  15. #4295
    Hey Ron,

    Ran Test E and Winny on a 20 week cutting cycle. Had some personal issues go on and took a beating on my funds and now am unable to get my hands on HCG. I do have Nolva and Clomid on hand, would I just run these 2 since I will not be able to get the HCG. This is what I have planned. What will happen that I won't have the HCG and ran a cycle for that long? I'm kind of worried.

    Nolva - 40/20/20/20
    Clomid - 100/50/50/50

    Would you run 6 weeks since no HCG?

  16. #4296
    After 20 week cutting cycle my cals were lower then normal to cut bodyfat as low as possible. How would I adjust my diet going into PCT? Run maintenance cals?

  17. #4297
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Hey Ron,
    I have a question regarding dosing. My last deload started a week ago and I've been using 600 mg of Test E all the time while blasting with other compounds and additional Test P. My last reload was 600 mg Test E/600 mg Test P/800 mg Tren A/700 mg Masteron P/350 mg NPP/50 mg Tbol along with 8 i.u.'s of hgh. This deload I dropped every thing but the 600 mg Test P and rolled the hgh down to 4 i.u.'s.I have not been counting calories and macro's exactly at this point only because I have for so long I'm fairly sure where I am anyway after all this time. I've been using STS for 3 years with incredible results. I'm 6'2" 263lbs+- 47 years old, about 8% BF (here's a front pic, maybe you could guess at it for me) and am on year around except for 4 weeks last year I dropped to 250 mg test E.

    My problem is that this time, in the first week of my deload I've lost 12 lbs!! My buddy says he can't tell by looking and maybe it was just water weight, but I wouldn't think Tren masteron and Tbol would make you retain much water. I haven't really changed my diet, except to roll the protein down a little and pick it up with carbs. I'm wondering if at my age and stats if I shouldn't up my deload dose of Test to a gram a week. I know ou say pro's do this and I would never consider myself in their category, but I think I'm pretty big for 8% body fat and maybe I should consider it. 12 lbs is scary to lose that fast after all the hard work. I might add I've not lost much strength, just maybe some reps in the later sets. BTW, my next reload will be 600 mg Test E/850 mg MENT/700 mg Masteron P/ 600 mg Tren E/350 mg NPP/75 mg Var/8 i.u.'s HGH on a 12 week slow cut to 5-6% What do you think about the cycle for my goal? Also about my deload dose? Thanks in advance buddy!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by The Titan99; 08-06-2012 at 03:47 AM.

  18. #4298
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Yellow View Post
    That's great, Big Ron..
    I'll do as what you said.

    My usual schedule is I workout at 6 PM in the evening (after finishing work at office). I train for 1 hour and do low-moderate intensity cardio (120-130BPM) for 25-30 minutes then post-workout at 7.30 PM I have 50 gram protein from good quality whey protein isolate.
    Then 45-60 minutes later (about 8:15 PM), I have a dinner consists of 9 oz of boneless chicken breast + 1 cup of steamed broccoli + 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (since you recommend taking out carb post-workout).
    My last meal of the day is at 11 PM which consists of 1 scoop of whey protein isolate + 1 cup egg whites + 1 whole egg + 1 tablespoon of peanut butter.
    Right after finishing meal, I go to bed at 11.15 PM

    My concern is does the fat content of last 2 meals at night affect the GH release & blunt the GH? Fats do not blunt the release of GH at night only carbs can do that some at night. Also do not drink whole eggs raw beause they are not pasteurized. Only liquid egg whites are safe to consume uncooked! How does it compared to if I incorporate carbs at dinner (2 slices of whole wheat bread) but removing the extra virgin olive oil? This is a very good question and it really just depends on your body type. Some actually do better on the carbs at dinner while others do better with fats. Give it a try both ways and see where you stand.

  19. #4299
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Hey Ron whats up bud,

    Im taking about 6-8 weeks off from my last 14 week cut "i cruise on 250". Do you think 6 weeks is enough or should i give my body a longer break? Ive been on for a while. 6 weeks is plenty!
    Ive come the the realization that i wont run test higher then 600 or my hair sheds like im on chemo. Then stay around 4-500 mgs weekly

    Here is what i got for my next blast and i want your opinion on the best way to run under my circumstances.

    I have 150 25mg Tbol caps
    Test enth " as much as i need"
    2 vials of Eq300 "never ran eq because i heard its a waste but willing to try.
    Deca 250 as much as i need.

    Help me put together a nice blast. My thoughts now are something like....

    week 1-8
    Test 500mg
    Tbol 75mg a day until run out.
    Should i put EQ in here? I would have enough for 750mg for 8 weeks? or save for last 8? save EQ for last 8 weeks to combine with test/deca.

    Weeks 11-18
    Test 600
    Deca 500? You will want to drop test down to 400 because combining it with deca can cause hair loss . Keep deca at 400 as well. eq at 400 weekly. Basically 2cc per week of each compound. Do 1-3ml shots twice a week. Mix 1cc of test, 1cc of deca and 1cc of eq into one shot. Inject on something like Monday and Friday. I keep caber on hand not worried about sexual performance.. hasnt been hard on me yet with deca.

    how would you put what i have on hand for a nice blast..?

    Ive done a few Blasts so far and put on about 20lb of mass in the last 2 years so im pretty happy. I am a small frame with more of a physique body but im ok with that. You can't change your genetics so be happy you can have a physique body. Women like that! lol
    ive learned that cardio even while bulking keeps me leaner "3 days a week 45min" fine
    I also learned "from you and Tom Venutos book burn the fat feed the muscle" That keeping my carbs and fats in seperate meals does an amazing job at keeping me lean. I'ts especially effective for those who tend to store fat in their belly. I am one of those as Easy gaining Ecto-Mesos can mix carbs and fats with each meal and still stay lean around the abs. They are lucky in that aspect and tend to make for some of the best bodybuilders! Hard gainers whether they be ectomorphs or endomorphs gain body fat more easliy when combining carbs/fats in the same meal. First 3 meals carbs and protein "i train in the AM" and last 3 meals are Protein fats and veggies.

    Again thanks for all your help, you have been a blessing.

  20. #4300
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by covs-owen View Post
    why cant i post anything not using the words they say but still says no
    I have no idea?

  21. #4301
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Peter32 View Post
    Hey Ronnie

    Ive started the slingshot program after a 2 week lay off from AAS an training ( I'm assuming is equal to a deload ?) It's a prime, not a deload but will work just fine. so I've started on the reload program you have posted at the start of this thread with a max of 12 sets ( warmups an prep set [for first exercise only] not inclusive of 12 sets ?? ) but am not 100% sure what split to do for a 5 day training program ( found the one you posted on another site which was chest & calves, back & abs, shoulders & traps, arms, and legs) is this preferable or should I just do 1 group per day? The prep set is more for beginners and intermmediates needing to gain more strength. Advanced bodybuilders do not need a low rep prep set in 4-6 rep-range. 8-15 reps per set is best for them in order to spare tendons/joints.
    1) chest/abs
    2) back/calves
    3) shoulders/traps
    4) biceps/triceps/forearms
    5) legs-quads/hams
    6) off
    7) off

    Also what exercises for the other muscle groups (only saw your chest day sample) and we're the reps an sets still 1-2 warmups 12-15 then 4 x 8-10 working sets is that the same for isolation exercises ?? You have to find the exercises that work best for your body mechanics through experimentation. Go with the ones that give you the best pump without hurting your joints. Begin with coumpound exercises then finish off with isolation movements for torso. Thanks again

  22. #4302
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Well my somatotype is kind of hard to define - i seem to be ecto ,but not the lean one when i go over 300 gr of carbs i start putting on fat on my belly, I store fat mostly at the waist area as well as the lower chest area while my legs stay extremely lean all the time. It`s hard to put some size on and extremely easy to lose it (except for the legs).

    What i`m thinkig of ,for the upcoming Reload, is having for consecutive protein/casbs meals as the last one will be my pre-workout meal ( i`m always hungry during the day). Then just a protein shake immediately post-workout and a solid meal (fish, walnuts, salad) an hour later as this will be pretty much my last meal for the day. Do you think not having carbs postworkout will disrupt my lean muscle growth? Very important quesiton.


  23. #4303
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Yellow
    That's great, Big Ron..
    I'll do as what you said.

    My usual schedule is I workout at 6 PM in the evening (after finishing work at office). I train for 1 hour and do low-moderate intensity cardio (120-130BPM) for 25-30 minutes then post-workout at 7.30 PM I have 50 gram protein from good quality whey protein isolate.
    Then 45-60 minutes later (about 8:15 PM), I have a dinner consists of 9 oz of boneless chicken breast + 1 cup of steamed broccoli + 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (since you recommend taking out carb post-workout).
    My last meal of the day is at 11 PM which consists of 1 scoop of whey protein isolate + 1 cup egg whites + 1 whole egg + 1 tablespoon of peanut butter.
    Right after finishing meal, I go to bed at 11.15 PM

    My concern is does the fat content of last 2 meals at night affect the GH release & blunt the GH? Fats do not blunt the release of GH at night only carbs can do that some at night. Also do not drink whole eggs raw beause they are not pasteurized. Only liquid egg whites are safe to consume uncooked! How does it compared to if I incorporate carbs at dinner (2 slices of whole wheat bread) but removing the extra virgin olive oil? This is a very good question and it really just depends on your body type. Some actually do better on the carbs at dinner while others do better with fats. Give it a try both ways and see where you stand.
    No, I don't take both egg whites & whole eggs raw, Ron.. I mix 1 cup of egg whites and 1 whole egg in a bowl and beat them.. Then I lightly cook them in a frying pan (not overcooked).

    I am an ecto-endo type person.
    If my dinner at 8.15 PM (it's about 45-60 minutes post workout) consists of 9 oz of boneless chicken breast + 1 cup of steamed broccoli + 2 slices of whole wheat bread (substituting the extra virgin olive oil with whole wheat bread), Do you think it blunts the release of GH at night, since I go to bed at 11.15 PM?
    But my last meal of the day at 11.00 PM just consists of protein & fats (1 scoop of whey protein isolate + 1 cup egg whites + 1 whole egg + 1 tablespoon of peanut butter).

  24. #4304
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by invisible99 View Post
    Great post! Thats what I am here for, Thank you.
    You are very welcome..Thanks!

  25. #4305
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by MADMAX1078 View Post
    Ronnie, first i just want to say thanks! your info is great! Thank you!
    second I was wandering if you have a book out that i could purchase etc? Not yet but I think I've already written a few books combined in this thread!
    And I am just about to do a test enenthate/anavar cycle and was wandering if I should do a "anabolic prime" for the first 2 wks after first injection to wait till it kicks in before I start my reload or should I start my 8 week reload and my first shot at the same time? Go straight into a reload using test/var.
    stats: 31yrs old body type: ectomorphy
    planning on taking 500mgs/wk of TEST E for 10 weeks. and anavar 70mgs/day from weeks 5-10 and a pct with nolva/hgc I would recommend a 20 week slingshot cycle consisting of 2 -8 week reloads (use test/var) and 2-2 week deloads (use 1cc of test only per week).

    I am looking into doing a more involved and mesured diet plan this cycle and I am looking for more info to read, any suggestions? Read through this entire thread and you should something. If you have any questions beyond that just ask.

  26. #4306
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    Apr 2007
    [QUOTE=Dtrain17;6099098]Okay that sounds good, thanks for the repliy! The reason I thought eq would be good is because i'm more of an ectomorph and it's hard for me to eat as much as I need to.
    If i'm on aas I figured I need to up my protein a bit, and i'm at maybe 1.2 grams per lbs now (natural) which is around 210 grams of protein and is around the max I could get. I know it doesn't always increase appetite but I figured I would take the chance, but it's also pricey to use 600 mgs when I could use something else at half the amount with around the same results. B complex vitamins can help stimulate the apettite and you will probably need to take prilosec for breakfast and dinner to prevent heartburn if thats an issue for you when eating a lot of food. You caould also try just 300 mgs of EQ per week to see if that helps you want to eat more.[/QUOTE]above

  27. #4307
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerseyboy2180 View Post
    I just started a test cycle two weeks ago the first week I took 100 mgs and the second week I took 200mgs and now my nipples are hurting I don't feel any lumps can somebody help me with this I would like to know if anybody have had this?
    Use an anti-es like aromasin!

  28. #4308
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post
    Hey Ron,

    Ran Test E and Winny on a 20 week cutting cycle. Had some personal issues go on and took a beating on my funds and now am unable to get my hands on HCG. I do have Nolva and Clomid on hand, would I just run these 2 since I will not be able to get the HCG. This is what I have planned. What will happen that I won't have the HCG and ran a cycle for that long? No one can answer that question with accuracy but I am of the opinion it's going to take you much longer to recover. From here on out treat ordering HCG as part of the cycle and don't start without it unless you are on TRT. I'm kind of worried. Dont freak out. Its just going to take you longer to recover.

    Nolva - 40/20/20/20
    Clomid - 100/50/50/50

    Would you run 6 weeks since no HCG? YES!

  29. #4309
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post
    After 20 week cutting cycle my cals were lower then normal to cut bodyfat as low as possible. How would I adjust my diet going into PCT? Run maintenance cals? Yes go back to incerasing calories because bodybuilders actually gain some muscle mass directly after a show while being off all anabolics.

  30. #4310
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by the titan99 View Post
    hey ron,
    i have a question regarding dosing. My last deload started a week ago and i've been using 600 mg of test e all the time while blasting with other compounds and additional test p. My last reload was 600 mg test e/600 mg test p/800 mg tren a/700 mg masteron p/350 mg npp/50 mg tbol along with 8 i.u.'s of hgh. This deload i dropped every thing but the 600 mg test p and rolled the hgh down to 4 i.u.'s.i have not been counting calories and macro's exactly at this point only because i have for so long i'm fairly sure where i am anyway after all this time. I've been using sts for 3 years with incredible results. I'm 6'2" 263lbs+- 47 years old, about 8% bf (here's a front pic, maybe you could guess at it for me) and am on year around except for 4 weeks last year i dropped to 250 mg test e. look to be aroud 8% body fat. You look amazing for any age, especially 47 years old. I'll be 47 myself next jan. Just think what you would have looked like at 28 years of age doing what you are now!? I had 22 inch arms (pumped) back then. Now they are only 20 inches pumped so that gives you an idea how much harder it is when you get older.
    my problem is that this time, in the first week of my deload i've lost 12 lbs!! My buddy says he can't tell by looking and maybe it was just water weight, but i wouldn't think tren masteron and tbol would make you retain much water. I haven't really changed my diet, except to roll the protein down a little and pick it up with carbs. I'm wondering if at my age and stats if i shouldn't up my deload dose of test to a gram a week. I know ou say pro's do this and i would never consider myself in their category, but i think i'm pretty big for 8% body fat and maybe i should consider it. i would say go with 750 -1 gram of test weekly on your deloads if losing that much water weight is a problem for you. It's not muscle, it's water weight! Keep in mind reducing gh can cause water loss as well if its generic from china. 12 lbs is scary to lose that fast after all the hard work. I might add i've not lost much strength, just maybe some reps in the later sets. this means you are not losing muscle, just a lot of water weight. Btw, my next reload will be 600 mg test e/850 mg ment/700 mg masteron p/ 600 mg tren e/350 mg npp/75 mg var/8 i.u.'s hgh on a 12 week slow cut to 5-6% what do you think about the cycle for my goal? that should cover it! also about my deload dose? 750-1 gram of test-e weekly thanks in advance buddy!

  31. #4311
    Should one build off shoulder presses for cannonball deltoids then use isolation movements such as front and side dumbbell raises sparingly?

  32. #4312
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    West Coast Desert Rat
    Wow! What a read! This makes a lot of sense. I guess I need to incorporate a de-load in my routine!

  33. #4313
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    West Coast Desert Rat
    This sure gave me a lot to think about!

    Great post bro!

  34. #4314
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Hey Ronnie, great thread!

    I consider myself a Endomorph body type, can gain bodyfat fairly easy etc.

    I'm weighing around 200LBS at the moment, 5"7, 25 years old with bodyfat at around 16% i'd estimate. I am currently on cutting cycle consiting of sus & Tren, and used dbol for kickstart.

    I'm considering doing a 20 week slingshot cycle as you have outlined. I have done fair few cycles in the past, and I don't feel many side effects however the gear is 100%. I am quite tolerant to most drugs I would say...

    I want a pure out lean mass cycle, with maximum muscle gained as possible.., what do do you think of the following for someone with my stats.

    The highest mg cycle so far i have ran is Test E @ 750mg, Deca @400mg, DBOL @ 40mg ed.

    Week 1-8: Test E - 500mg - 750mg ??
    Week 1-8: Deca - 400mg
    week 1-8: Dbol - 25mg - 30mg (can I run higher?)

    Week 9-10: Test E - 250mg

    Week 11-18: Test E - 1000mg
    Week 11-18: Deca - 500mg or Tren E - 400mg ?
    Week 11-18: Dbol - 50mg ED

    Week 19-20 Test E 250mg

    Week 21-24: Nolva 20/20/20/20
    Week 21-24 Clomid 50/50/50/50

    Would these dosages be alright? Or should I up them further.
    Should I replace the deca with tren for the full 20 weeks?

    Thanks a lot appreciate it.
    Last edited by bigp87; 08-09-2012 at 07:31 AM.

  35. #4315
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Hey Ron,

    Ran Test E and Winny on a 20 week cutting cycle . Had some personal issues go on and took a beating on my funds and now am unable to get my hands on HCG . I do have Nolva and Clomid on hand, would I just run these 2 since I will not be able to get the HCG. This is what I have planned. What will happen that I won't have the HCG and ran a cycle for that long? No one can answer that question with accuracy but I am of the opinion it's going to take you much longer to recover. From here on out treat ordering HCG as part of the cycle and don't start without it unless you are on TRT. I'm kind of worried. Dont freak out. Its just going to take you longer to recover.

    Nolva - 40/20/20/20
    Clomid - 100/50/50/50

    Would you run 6 weeks since no HCG? YES!
    Thanks Ron!

    So this is what I have planned for 6 weeks

    Nolva 40/40/20/20/20/20
    Clomid - 100/100/50/50/50/50

    Do those dosages look good? Maybe even go 8 weeks or that to excessive?

  36. #4316

    As stated above been running Test E on cutting cycle for about 15 weeks and will end at 20. I'm still dropping weight through this cycle and solid cutting diet. My question is when i go into PCT will I drop even more weight due to comming off the test and loosing excessive water weight? and will I look more lean then when I'm on the test since I have been holding so much water?

  37. #4317
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;6104043]
    Quote Originally Posted by Dtrain17 View Post
    Okay that sounds good, thanks for the repliy! The reason I thought eq would be good is because i'm more of an ectomorph and it's hard for me to eat as much as I need to.
    If i'm on aas I figured I need to up my protein a bit, and i'm at maybe 1.2 grams per lbs now (natural) which is around 210 grams of protein and is around the max I could get. I know it doesn't always increase appetite but I figured I would take the chance, but it's also pricey to use 600 mgs when I could use something else at half the amount with around the same results. B complex vitamins can help stimulate the apettite and you will probably need to take prilosec for breakfast and dinner to prevent heartburn if thats an issue for you when eating a lot of food. You caould also try just 300 mgs of EQ per week to see if that helps you want to eat more.[/QUOTE]above
    Okay thanks, the heartburn shouldn't be a problem and I do take vitamin B complex already as well as B12 with it also. I do 20 mins of cardio 3x/week also but after my workout, maybe do it at a different time to have 2 times a day where my metabolism is increased - for more hunger?

    Okay so I know your pct protocol, other guys said hcg at 500 all cycle also but then when you go to pct I heard hcg isn't necessary, just use nolva. I know both ways would work just wondering your thoughts on that! Thanks Big Ron

  38. #4318
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Ronny, hey mate would me running 10 weeks on 4 weeks pct then back and so on be a safe way not to shutdown your natural test forever?? Thanks mate

  39. #4319
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    You put together my cycle under my circumstances i have... Here it is again .

    weeks 1-8
    Test 500
    Tbol 75mg

    Weeks 11 -18

    Test 400
    Deca 400
    EQ 400.

    Question 1..
    Can i up the EQ to 600? I have 300mg EQ in 1cc so it would be easier to measure or is there a reason to stay lower.

    Question 2 is about priming before my blast on Aug 27th.

    Starting Monday which is 2 weeks out from blast I was going to drop protein in half and either up my carbs or up my fat... Im only at about 23-2400 calories a day maintaining abs and staying lean. I even do cardio 5-6 days a week now at 45 in order to stay lean.... I have a slow metabolism and this maintains my current weight.

    Im anywhere from 150-200 carbs most days of the week.. Thursday I do a refeed and get around 400 carbs but i drop protein and fat to keep calories around 24-2600. Then on sundays I eat normal and end the night off with a nice cheat. Monday through Saturday im 100% clean and never cheat.

    I just want to try this prime out these coming 2 weeks and see how i do come blast.

    I can go higher carbs but i cant go high fats or i put on fat. If i go higher fats i cant do as many carbs or same thing...

    So if i drop protein in half and up carbs i will probably be getting less then 30 fats a day the way it will work out. I would be around 350 to 400 carbs 125 Protein and 30-40 fats.. Does this seem ok with you?

    If I go higher fat I would be more of a protein veggie fats with pre and post carbs only..

    Which do you prefer?? i can stay lean on either scenario and will continue cardio until bulk.

    AS far as training I reread your post and it looks like 4-6 sets per body part at 12-15 reps stop few sets before failure?

    Just making sure cus normally you dont go so many sets but at a higher rep range with lighter weight maybe its ok?

    Thanks Ronnie.

    oh one more thing... lower cals on off days?
    Last edited by slimshady01; 08-12-2012 at 05:31 AM.

  40. #4320
    How wonderful, will follow this through

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