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  1. #1
    helios's Avatar
    helios is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2003

    Tribulus saponins

    Does anyone know what the difference is btw different trib products that offer different %'s of saponins. I am taking vitamin shoppe's trib and it is 20% saponins and $10 a bottle. They also offer trib 40% saponins but its about $20 a bottle

    Is the cost difference worth the extra saponins? I am doing pct right now and anything that will help me get back to normal ill take, just wondering if the price difference is worth it


  2. #2
    nsa is offline King of Supplements
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Saponins are the active ingredient, its what stimulates test production. So yes, the Different % do mean something and the higher the %, the better it is.

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