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  1. #1
    BIG D14 is offline Junior Member
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    Does NO2 acually work?

    whats the deal with NO2 i heard it works and i heard it doesnt....i also heard if you stack it with creatine it works good too can somebody tell me if its good and worth buying

  2. #2
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG D14
    whats the deal with NO2 i heard it works and i heard it doesnt....i also heard if you stack it with creatine it works good too can somebody tell me if its good and worth buying
    I told 3 people at my gym the same thing I'm about to tell you. They didn't listen, they wasted a few months of money on that junk and later came back to me one by one and confessed that they wished they had listened to me.

    Regarding NO2 and all the other "wonder pseudo-drugs":
    Your best bet is to just stay away from all the over the counter garbage. Spend your money on food, vitamins, and protein shakes. Work hard in the gym, and grow.

  3. #3
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG D14
    whats the deal with NO2 i heard it works and i heard it doesnt....i also heard if you stack it with creatine it works good too can somebody tell me if its good and worth buying
    a big fat NO. N02 is crap. creatine is good

  4. #4
    xfade7's Avatar
    xfade7 is offline Member
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    I take a product called NO-EXPLODE i guess it has NO2 type of product (alpha-kegluterite or whatever) and creatine in it.. the first time i used it i felt more energy and a better pump.. of course this could be a mental thing..


  5. #5
    BIGp4's Avatar
    BIGp4 is offline Associate Member
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    probably the placebo effect

  6. #6
    jj23 is offline New Member
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    not a placebo effect, no2 gave me huge pumps but its too expensive, just by arginine its the same thing for a 1/4 of the price

  7. #7
    tug is offline New Member
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    i went with anaval nxcare creatine and it was awesome. it blew me up a lot. anyone else taken that. it's awesome!

  8. #8
    Jantzen4k's Avatar
    Jantzen4k is offline Anabolic Nittany Lion
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    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
    I told 3 people at my gym the same thing I'm about to tell you. They didn't listen, they wasted a few months of money on that junk and later came back to me one by one and confessed that they wished they had listened to me.

    Regarding NO2 and all the other "wonder pseudo-drugs":
    Your best bet is to just stay away from all the over the counter garbage. Spend your money on food, vitamins, and protein shakes. Work hard in the gym, and grow.

    i agree

    n02=waste of loot

  9. #9
    1morerep's Avatar
    1morerep is offline Associate Member
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    with the money i spent on n02 i should have bought lottery tickets, probably would have a better chance of winning money than getting pumped up.

  10. #10
    prolangtum's Avatar
    prolangtum is offline Senior Member
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    No2 products with creatine are good IMO. They are not magic, they basically enhance nutrient delivery, but dont expect huge gains.

  11. #11
    zuke's Avatar
    zuke is offline Member
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    i tried no2 and didn't notice a difference. i think that most people notice a difference because they start taking when they are just getting back into the gym. of course you are going to notice a difference, you just started working out again. i am with the other guys that said to spend you money on protein.

  12. #12
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by prolangtum
    No2 products with creatine are good IMO. They are not magic, they basically enhance nutrient delivery, but dont expect huge gains.
    Yup, i am beginning some 5-6g/day of PnP's NOx2 and that is all i am expecting

  13. #13
    wired-up's Avatar
    wired-up is offline Member
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    i tried the NOx2 and i felt bigger pumps in the gym, but my strength or weight didn't change as a result of the NOx2.

  14. #14
    jkarcs55 is offline New Member
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    no2 purely boost your max one rep no ,ajor muscle mass increase mp weight gains and no cutting up jsut at most a one rep increase

  15. #15
    prolangtum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkarcs55
    no2 purely boost your max one rep no ,ajor muscle mass increase mp weight gains and no cutting up jsut at most a one rep increase

  16. #16
    XxElitexX's Avatar
    XxElitexX is offline Senior Member
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    NO2 always worked great for me.

  17. #17
    jkarcs055 is offline New Member
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    studies done basically quoting my body by science mag ( great mag) said it has no effect on muscle mass increase, wieght gains, and ability ot make you leaner, the only differce seen in the study was the ones who took the no2 had increased max press. thats it

  18. #18
    AA2 is offline New Member
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    no2 works

    Just be smart when taking it. stay away from caffine. take it on an empty stomache, 2 hours prior or after a protien and be healthy, stay away from alcohol etc. I say this b/c i work at GNC and i repeatedly have to explain this to people. Get the book and go by the guide lines...its onle 1$

  19. #19
    BIG D14 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks guys!

  20. #20
    xfade7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AA2
    I say this b/c i work at GNC and i repeatedly have to explain this to people.
    The people i run across at GNC never knew anything. hope you're different.


  21. #21
    THA GONZ is offline Associate Member
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    It does create nice pumps and when used in conjunction with another supp (like creatine) it will help out, It supposedly acts as a shuttle for nutrients,ect into the system.
    If used alone you may get nice pumps while on it but, the day you stop so do the pumps and I would be very surprised if you got any overall muscle or weight gain from it.

  22. #22
    prolangtum's Avatar
    prolangtum is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by THA GONZ
    It does create nice pumps and when used in conjunction with another supp (like creatine) it will help out, It supposedly acts as a shuttle for nutrients,ect into the system.
    If used alone you may get nice pumps while on it but, the day you stop so do the pumps and I would be very surprised if you got any overall muscle or weight gain from it.
    pretty much sums up my view on it. Dont expect miracles.

  23. #23
    Mazekwon's Avatar
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    Just something i have noticed in this thread is all the newbies are saying it works and all the senior guys who know whut they are talking about says it doesn't so i think i am going to listen to the people who are posting pics of them being huge and not newbies no offence i am one too that is why i am reading these posts

  24. #24
    prolangtum's Avatar
    prolangtum is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah, Im a newbie......

  25. #25
    Logan13's Avatar
    Logan13 is offline Banned
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    i will not waste the money on NO2, or anything else from GNC. use NOX2 instead,can be had for about $32/bottle. i know that some of the guys here say that it does not work. i am here to tell you that it does. you must have a good diet and drink plenty of water. NOX2 will not make you look bloated like creatine does. NOX2 is for cosmetic purposes. it is not a placebo effect, the $hit works. you can not take it, sit at McDonalds, and then complain that it does not work.

  26. #26
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    in a word....poop.

    But one time i do think it helped my erection. Certainly no 21 day transformation though.

  27. #27
    BROTHERHOOD's Avatar
    BROTHERHOOD is offline Junior Member
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    You need to take way more than the recommended dose for it to pump you like the box says. I take 6 pills 3 times a day (18 pills) on an epmty stomach and after a couple days you will feel all pumped like after a workout almost all day long. Not worth the money though IMO.

  28. #28
    Megadeth is offline Junior Member
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    Hahah I was almost in tears laughing at this.

  29. #29
    CodyLee1337 is offline New Member
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    Not worth the price tag imho

  30. #30
    DrHealth's Avatar
    DrHealth is offline Junior Member
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    NOPE. Not for what there advertising it to be. You can get the same effect with regular L Arginine for 15 bucks. Save your money.

  31. #31
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    ^^ this... I took arginine and orinthine together and got GREAT pumps... so much so that my arms very literally swollen for days... I couldn't fully extend from my bicep workout. It also does help in the wang department.

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