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  1. #41
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    there are actually a number of ways to spot reduce fat. topical delivery of yohimbine is one of them. There are thousands of posts by yohimburn users on 30-40 different forums. that being said the blocking of the A2 adrenoceptor will release fatty acids from areas that would otherwise not. It is spot fat reduction.

    also agree on deoxycholate (which is a detergent), it causes indiscriminent cell lysis. Though its effective, just not ideal.

    GH can be used to increase local fat loss. PGF2a, though causing quite unpleasant side effects, also causes fat cell apoptosis. there are a number of mechanisms that can be manipulated locally, whether via transdermal delivery or injection, to increase fat loss and as you noted even kill fat cells.

    as a note- its a common misconception that fat cells are immortal, that once you have them the only way to get rid of them is liposuction. This is patently false. While it is true that once a fat cell becomes mature it is self sustaining and more difficult to bring about the conditions that result in apoptosis

  2. #42
    cmax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 400mtrackstar
    There is only one know way to spot reduce and its not a transdermal.
    Well something that I am doing is definitely causing me to lose fat in the target area.

    I am not sure which one of the following is responsible:

    (1) Ultra Lean Diet
    (2) Guerilla Cardio - circuit training sprints
    (3) Liquidex - aromatase inhibitor
    (4) Taking Yohimbine HCL Orally
    (5) Taking Yohimburn ES Topically

    So one or more of the above things are causing me to lose some chest fat, it's not the placebo effect because numerous people have agreed that it is working and they have no clue what I am doing to target this area.

    Other people that I told about my plans before starting this were skeptical, but are now saying that "you are obviously doing something right" or "I stand corrected" however they all tend to come back and say well it's not spot reduction, it's just due to your diet and cardio. They will not admit that Yohimbe (taken topically and orally) or arimidex could possibly be responsible for this reduction and will only credit the cardio and diet - perhaps they are correct and it is all cardio and diet.

    This is happening gradually and not all at once...
    Last edited by cmax; 12-14-2005 at 03:19 PM.

  3. #43
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  4. #44
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    ECA or ECY with a good diet and cardio training would help reduce total body fat. That's what I'd do. There are a few spot reducers that people swear by, but I haven't personally used any yet, so I couldn't recomend one over the other.

    When I cut, I go 500 cals under my maintenance. I do 45minutes of cardio in the morning before breakfast. ECA to help kick my workouts up a notch, plus it increases body temp for more callorie burning.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by macrophage69alpha
    I am at around ~90% resolution after around 10 weeks of the program above. It's hardly noticable now.

    I stopped everything except for the Yohimburn ES and the Liquidex which I am still taking. I am almost done with my second bottle of Yohimburn ES at which point I will stop the Yohimburn ES and taper down the liquidex.

    Do you think that I will start to retain more water in this area after I stop taking the Yohimburn ES?

    I guess my plans are to stay off this for a few months and if I start to regain fat in the area (even a little bit) I will do another round of this same program, perhaps swapping Letro for the liquidex.

  6. #46
    NeedPaintoGain's Avatar
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    hey bro, i hear where you're coming from. I got the same thing...I was a chubby kid. I never got my bodyfat way down, but my chest is hard. Its more like my nips dont get hard and it looks like I got boobs. But when my nips get hard, IM WAITING TO GET TANKED FOR THIS RESPONSE, I look jacked. Its usually just bodyfat.

    Someone said earlier its gyno...That does happen...its called adolescent gynocamestia (may have spelled it wrong) happens with an imbalance of testosterone and estrogen when you are growing up...however, it would be hard lumps and look like a giant cyst in most me, its just pain in the ass fat that you have to lower your levels way down.

  7. #47
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    there is more than one presentation of gynecomastia , fatty tissue buildup without hard tissue development is one of them. Its often referred to as "pectoral feminization".

  8. #48
    pg600rr is offline Junior Member
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    i ended up getting surgery and october

  9. #49
    bignuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeedPaintoGain
    hey bro, i hear where you're coming from. I got the same thing...I was a chubby kid. I never got my bodyfat way down, but my chest is hard. Its more like my nips dont get hard and it looks like I got boobs. But when my nips get hard, IM WAITING TO GET TANKED FOR THIS RESPONSE, I look jacked. Its usually just bodyfat.

    Someone said earlier its gyno...That does happen...its called adolescent gynocamestia (may have spelled it wrong) happens with an imbalance of testosterone and estrogen when you are growing up...however, it would be hard lumps and look like a giant cyst in most me, its just pain in the ass fat that you have to lower your levels way down.
    The same thing happend on me. When my nipps are hard my chest looks huge, but when they not they look like boobs.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by bignuts
    The same thing happend on me. When my nipps are hard my chest looks huge, but when they not they look like boobs.
    this sounds like "puffy nipples" which is usually some fat, though is also usually water (bloat) due to either oestrogenic or prolactin influences

  11. #51
    chest6's Avatar
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    Mine are the same way..when my nips are soft my chest looks like shit. Mine is gyno tho, which I am trying to get rid of with letro right now, without luck. This is my 4th week and I haven't noticed anything.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Mine are the same way..when my nips are soft my chest looks like shit. Mine is gyno tho, which I am trying to get rid of with letro right now, without luck. This is my 4th week and I haven't noticed anything.
    if its non responsive to letrozole it may be predominately prolactin or progestin induced. Have you tried dopaminergics like dostinex or selegiline?

    IMHO the best "stack" is one that hits all angles of the puffynips problem: AI, SERM, topical yohimbine with diuretics (yohimburn es preferable ), dostinex.

  13. #53
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    Never tried dostinex..I think thats it. The cycle I got it from was deca /dbol (i know before I found this board) So it could very well be from progestin induced...I'll have to pick some up. Should I just take the normal .5mg E4D or go with more than that since I am trying to get rid of existing gyno

  14. #54
    prolangtum's Avatar
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    chest, pm me your addy, and ill get you a bottle of lipoderm out to you sometime next week.

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