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Thread: My Max LMG Log

  1. #81
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    Testo..did u like max..were you impressed? Sorry to hijack Pump..glad to hear its workin wonders on you as it did for me

  2. #82
    evergain26 is offline Junior Member
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    Pump, my roomate and I began LMG yesterday at 75mg a day. This thread has really inspired us to give LMG a shot. My question to you is have you had to take or are takeing anything to counteract sides.......Thanks for a great log!

  3. #83
    ThePump's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evergain26
    Pump, my roomate and I began LMG yesterday at 75mg a day. This thread has really inspired us to give LMG a shot. My question to you is have you had to take or are takeing anything to counteract sides.......Thanks for a great log!
    good man... i'm glad it's helping somebody. i've bumped my dosage up to 100mg after 4 weeks and my bench has recently went nuts on me and i'm loving it. as far as the sides go, i feel a bit drousy and for weeks 3 and 4 i didn't feel like having sex much. but now i'm back to wanting it all the time. i'm not sure if that was in my head or in the supp. but those are the only two things that have changed.

  4. #84
    Ovation88 is offline New Member
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    wht kind are u running again? feeling any side effects?

    Looked up ALRI Max LMG, can you still buy it cause alll the sites i check are wack...
    Last edited by Ovation88; 11-30-2005 at 06:55 PM.

  5. #85
    ThePump's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ovation88
    wht kind are u running again? feeling any side effects?

    Looked up ALRI Max LMG, can you still buy it cause alll the sites i check are wack...
    i just listed the sides that i've experienced... but as far as gettin it.. they closed out of the Max LMG and now it's called Revolt...

    there decently quick.. takes about 5 business days or so.

    ight so btw i'm still gaining 10 - 20lbs (depending on the excercise) every week on my workouts... i weighed in last night at 220lbs!!!! the highest i've ever been... i had such a huge pump last night doing back and then bi's... it was such a huge pump that it kind of hurt... but i loved it... my girlfriend was like wow... ur arms are getting huge... i'm guessing there probably at 19 inches now... they were at 18 when i was 195lbs so i'm guessing they have gained about an inch... so 220lbs with 19 inch arms... i don't think that's too god offle bad...

  6. #86
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    WE need new pics brotha

  7. #87
    Ovation88 is offline New Member
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    Hey man from seeing the results ur getting, im planning out a cycle similar to yours soon

  8. #88
    ThePump's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ovation88
    Hey man from seeing the results ur getting, im planning out a cycle similar to yours soon
    good good man... u'll love the results for sure

    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2
    WE need new pics brotha
    i'll get some pics here soon... i'm going to be on break from school for about a month and i don't have a computer at home... i'll have my girl take the pics and when i come back on campus then i'll show you guys the results... i'm so impressed with this shit

  9. #89
    Jakspro's Avatar
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    I haven't posted in a while due to getting a new girl, and she's taking up my spare time... But, man... I facckkinnnggg LOOOVVVEE Max... i went from 185 to 205... I broke 200... For me thats a freaking goal... I did get some lower back pumps though, but thats cuz i went up 150lbs in squats... (Found out i could push myself to the limits) and i went up about 75 on deads... EVERY lift went up... I mean EVERYTHING... I'm about to start week 5 right now, and i just ordered Clomid/Nolva for my PCT... Though alot said it wasn't really needed, i just wanted to go for it and see how my body reacts to the compounds in case in the far future i'm ready for something more intense... I'd have to say that this is by far the best Supplement i've taken for gaining weight or strength... Never the less it has been a pleasant cycle. To all who are considering giving it a go, forget contemplating just get two bottles and get ready for gains

  10. #90
    golddaddy21 is offline New Member
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    Hey pump the rave reviews are forcing me to purchase ALRI MAX LMG looking for some serious size currently at 180 lbs, BF:15%. I'm 20 years old...I've seen websites that gave warnings to 18 and under and some 21 and under... I don't know which to believe. Anyway I have one bottle I was thinking about 3 weeks of 75 mg and the 4thg and final week-100MG (which amounts to 91 pills not a big deal I guess I only have 90). But Do I have to taper down or can I stop immediately and began PCT. Also which PCT do you recommend?? Thanks in advance.

  11. #91
    golddaddy21 is offline New Member
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    Dumb question I know but is the right product?? I was a little confused about EMAX, MAX, and Revolt
    please copy and paste check it out

  12. #92
    ThePump's Avatar
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    they don't sell the max lmg anymore... it's under a new name now called "Revolt" which is what i'm finishing up at the moment. and you can just stop it when rdy and start pct the next day. as far as the warnings go i'm not sure... i would just keep in mind that if you can still gain size and strength naturally then you don't need this stuff quite yet.

  13. #93
    golddaddy21 is offline New Member
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    would i need to take liv 52 or some sort of liver pill while on max lmg

  14. #94
    Jakspro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by golddaddy21
    would i need to take liv 52 or some sort of liver pill while on max lmg
    Nope, not methylated

  15. #95
    ThePump's Avatar
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    ight guys... i've finished up my Revolt and my body weight is at 223lbs from 196lbs, bf% is 8% from 11% (both done by skinfold), bench went from 295lbs to 355lbs, deads i'm not sure of... but very high... 6 plates on each side i believe, leg press is 14 plates in total, and my squat is 445lbs..

    so over all i'm so damn pleased with this product... and now i feel like a damn beast and i love it. =)
    oh and i would say that my arms are probably about 20inches and my chest and shoulders also blew up.

    i hope this log helped some people... happy holidays, i probably won't be back on for another couple weeks or so just because my internet at home doesn't work.

  16. #96
    mitch911 is offline Member
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    ohhh my gawwwwdd those gains are massivvvee what was it again 2month cycle ?

  17. #97
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    18 pounds of muscle and 9 pounds of fat nice friggen job!!!

  18. #98
    peace_frog's Avatar
    peace_frog is offline Associate Member
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    Ive not been able to find revolt. Im sorry if im just overlooking it. As you can see by my very few posts, i usually find the info i need and dont post much. I followed a couple links i found and they didnt have the product. Has it been discontinued as "revolt" as well?
    Ive read some good things about Phara plex(from the research ive done on here and two other forums, people that tried both sd and pp like pp better) would that be an ok substitute? Or am i just over looking where to find revolt. I thank you in advance. This log is is a gem!

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