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  1. #1
    LionsGate's Avatar
    LionsGate is offline Associate Member
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    water retention question

    my quesiton is if someone had low levels of natural testosterone , would they have more estrogen?

    if so does this cause water retention and can it be cured with ldex?

  2. #2
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    wouldnt nessecarily have more estrogen but it could be numerous things like not high enough DHT levels to offset the estro or maybe a higher amount of aromatase enzyme then others.

    get bloodwork on ALL hormones to be sure.

    And yes ldex will control estrogen related bloating as well as raise natural testosterone levels .

  3. #3
    LionsGate's Avatar
    LionsGate is offline Associate Member
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    Sunny Southern California
    cool, so you can take l dex just by itself if one wanted to?

    what is DHT?

  4. #4
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    What makes you think you have low testosterone ???

  5. #5
    LionsGate's Avatar
    LionsGate is offline Associate Member
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    nothing really. my buddy just got tested and the doc said he has test levels of an eighty year old. lol that explains alot i said!

    but it just got me thinking, and he wanted me to help him with his diet and supps. he is now on the patch(doctor prescribed), if that dosent work he will be going in once a month for a shot to maintain his test levels.

    i was just curious if the ldex might help him, he is obese and you said ldex does increase natural test so i figured it wouldnt hurt.

  6. #6
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    Jun 2004
    it will NOT increase them if he is using exogenous testosterone

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