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  1. #1
    Palm Tree is offline New Member
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    Superdrol Cycle PCT supps only question? Brian+all

    I read Brians post about cycle supps and pct very helpful as it was linked to me by Papi. Well after this my PCT is going to be a lot different. However i presently im taking a omge369 blend during my Cycle i would stop taking this along with Noxplode cellmass and glutamine right. So my Cycle of SD and Milk Thistle are solid however should i be take the niacin pre/during/post along with the EFAs. Now on to the liver Milk Thistle and N.A.C. for my liver.

    Im not to sure when to take these Supps. I've heard its good to take Milk Thistle 2weeks before tyou start your cycle.
    Milk Thistle
    When do i take these and the correct dosage would be?? I've read many things on these but whenever i see different reviews of different amounts of dosages i get confused and yepp.

    I clicked on Brians PCT link the post was very interesting i guess i'll get Clomid if i have ENOUGH money lol. Its so pricy(I'll blow like 300$ on it right?) Nolva should be fine on its own along with Supps listed about just when how much? Hopefully you'll run into this post Brian or anyone who could help me out. Thanks

  2. #2
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
    DevilsDeity is offline Anabolic Member
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    you saying you will blow 300 on clomid?

  3. #3
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    You do nolva at 40mg ED for 3 weeks and it would cost you less than $45 (+$10 for shipping and handling).

  4. #4
    Palm Tree is offline New Member
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    you told me to do 20mg ED before?

  5. #5
    Palm Tree is offline New Member
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    is 1 bottle of Clomid and Nolva enough for 3weeks if it is im an idiot..

  6. #6
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palm Tree
    you told me to do 20mg ED before?
    If you use nolva alone, go with 40mg ED. If you use clomid, with it, go down to 20mg. Then run with clomid at 100mg ED.

  7. #7
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palm Tree
    is 1 bottle of Clomid and Nolva enough for 3weeks if it is im an idiot..
    Yes, that would be enough.

  8. #8
    Palm Tree is offline New Member
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    ALRITE BEAUTY il post my final cycle phase and pct..once some1 helps me with the supps.

  9. #9
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palm Tree
    ALRITE BEAUTY il post my final cycle phase and pct..once some1 helps me with the supps.
    Don't worry, the supplement gurus usually come on at night .

  10. #10
    copenhagen's Avatar
    copenhagen is offline Member
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    make sure the niacin is flush free. also where is the hawthorn berry? i would also throw in red yeast rice as well. i would have saved the cellmass and glutamine for pct. continue to take the efa369's because sd does mess with lipid profiles.

  11. #11
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    In regards to glutamine, Giantz11 (fitness forum mod) posted this:

    If you were getting really sick after working cause of depressed imune function then maybe take it IV. Other than that its worthless, it's also speculated that about 90% of orally ingested glutamine is rendered usless in the gut upon digestion.

  12. #12
    Palm Tree is offline New Member
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    thats some interesting information...what a f*** rip off then

  13. #13
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palm Tree
    thats some interesting information...what a f*** rip off then
    Others will disagree. I've run glutamine alone, at 10g ED and experienced nothing. I don't believe it is worth the price.

  14. #14
    Palm Tree is offline New Member
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    o brian lol

  15. #15
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palm Tree
    o brian lol
    Once you get your posts up to 25, PM him. He was here last night.

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