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  1. #121
    D-Bo Dre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lc1987
    how should i spread my supps during the day? here are my supps:

    sd 10/20/20 or should i make it 10/20/30?
    no flush niacin 1000 mg
    hawthorne berry 1130 mg
    milk thistle 1050 mg

    how should i devide these? as far as pct go, i will take the same amount of supps but how should i spread them during pct? should i do sd for 10/20/20 or 10/20/30. it's a 3 week cycle and this is my first cycle. thanks guys

    Start with milk thistle in the morning on an empty stomach, then the other supps. spread out evenly throughout the day. (maybe 2 hrs in between) I usually take 10mg @ 11am then the second 10mg @ 5pm (superdrol has a half-life of 6hrs). I advise you do 10/20/20. Also run the same dosage of supps. throughout pct. Good luck bro..

    You never gave us your stats??

  2. #122
    D-Bo Dre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    this is the last week of sd, i am really going to try and push teh shit to the limits.
    Same here Dome.. Let's tear that gym up harder then ever!!!

    Today I had a killer back workout.. Maxed out on the lat pulldown with 4 caddies on each side.. (south florida slang for 45lb plates) haa.. I wanna put as much weight up this last week and then try to lean up during pct. Imma try to push myself to the full 7 days this week.. WHat do you guys think??
    Last edited by D-Bo Dre; 03-13-2006 at 09:27 PM.

  3. #123
    diponyou's Avatar
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    do you mean you want to work out 7 days str8 this week?????????

    i would advise that you get some rest.....

    as far as me i am doing really well,my schedule got all messed up so i had to take a day off today and i got to go in 2 morow and hit going to go for 285 or maybee more depending on how i feel.

    i got one more week on sd then i start my pct.

    although,ive started taking my nolva this week

    lc1987-i would advise not to go over 20mg of sd,ive read some bad things about going to 30,liver values,extreme bakc pain,and so on.

    my schedule went like this



    spread my pills out evenly throguhout the day,i dont think it really makes a difference as long as you spread it out.

    good luck all

  4. #124
    THE_DOME's Avatar
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    well i decided to stop taking sd, and start my pct this week. My three weeks went down like this started out 20/30/30
    240lbs ended 250
    bench went from 276x4 to 276x6 and 315x2
    bench went up 20-25lbs
    squat up 30lbs
    overall sd treated me really well i have stopped sd prematurely to get started on my pct and be ready for my test cycle in april.
    keep me posted

  5. #125
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    ok so does anybody in here now how long sd can be tested in your urine for????????????????????

    well anyways i am going to hit chest tongiht and im going to tear it going to go for something around 300.not sure yet.

    ill come back and post when im done

  6. #126
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    well jus got back from the gym and i hit 285 for one some what solid rep.i pretty proud of myself.

    all my supps are still doing good.i ran out of red yeast rice and flax so i need to go get some more.

    how imprtant are these 2 supps.are they necessary or should i jsut continue without them

    let me know how eveyones cycle is coming.

    hey dome why did you decide to end early...too much back pain or wut?/

    i was having some bad back pain today.

    but still no reall visible sides

  7. #127
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    wwell here is a pic of my back after my sd not good at posing and still have one mroe week.but here it is.ill try and get some better ones
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails SD cycle preview-imag0031.jpg  
    Last edited by diponyou; 03-14-2006 at 08:54 PM.

  8. #128
    THE_DOME's Avatar
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    ya man, back is always tight and sore, i sit a desk all day. but i have three bottles of sd left so i will probally hit some later in life, i am just really anxious to start my test and tbol cycle. flax is optional but a neccesity, not sure about red rice

  9. #129
    diponyou's Avatar
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    how much you wanna sell a bottle for???????

  10. #130
    D-Bo Dre's Avatar
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    damn, someone is slangin SD now??

    hey Dip, your doing Nolva 40/20/20/20?

  11. #131
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    now that i am on day three of pct i am sleeping so good, i noticed while on sd i was always tossing an turning. i am up to 253 now

  12. #132
    lc1987's Avatar
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    is it ok to combine eca stack with sd??? cuz i am cutting right now and some people use sd for cutting so i am just wondering if it's safe

  13. #133
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    not sure, bump

  14. #134
    rake922's Avatar
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    THE DOME, Can you continue with where you left off?

  15. #135
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    day 7 of pct feeling good still maintaining my 253, havnt lost any weight mabee just a little strength. basically gained 10 solid lbs in 3 weeks

  16. #136
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    how is everyone's diet like? bulking or clean bulk?

  17. #137
    THE_DOME's Avatar
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    mine is clean bulk

  18. #138
    lc1987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    mine is clean bulk
    did you gain any fat at all man? b/c i am currently 13% and i don't really want to gain any more fat while on cycle so i'm thinking that i should eat a lot of carbs during the day maybe 200-240 grams and then limit my carbs to about 10-15 grams of carbs after 4pm. do you think that's a good idea?

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by lc1987
    did you gain any fat at all man? b/c i am currently 13% and i don't really want to gain any more fat while on cycle so i'm thinking that i should eat a lot of carbs during the day maybe 200-240 grams and then limit my carbs to about 10-15 grams of carbs after 4pm. do you think that's a good idea?

    ya for sure sd puts on lean muscle mass, i actually look more cut i am at 13% as well,tapering your carbs is good but it depends on how much you weight
    i go 6 meals with the last two not having any carbs

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    ya for sure sd puts on lean muscle mass, i actually look more cut i am at 13% as well,tapering your carbs is good but it depends on how much you weight
    i go 6 meals with the last two not having any carbs
    nice. did you do any cardio at all man? i mean i run a LOT because of the fact that i am going to the seals at least 5 miles a day and then 10 miles sometimes 5 in the morn 5 another. do you think it's okay to run at least 5 miles a day while on sd?

  21. #141
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    i dont really do any cardio, i am really trying to bulk. How much do you weight?

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    i dont really do any cardio, i am really trying to bulk. How much do you weight?
    5'7' 165 13% bf. i run cuz of the seals man. i have to build endurance.

  23. #143
    THE_DOME's Avatar
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    how old are you

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    how old are you
    19 y/o i know i am still pretty young but i wanna go into the seals looking pretty big and stuff and also this might be my first and last time doing this b/c i wouldn't be able once im in the seals

  25. #145
    THE_DOME's Avatar
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    sd and other anabolic due stunt growth, and you are only 5'7 you probally still growing,

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    sd and other anabolic due stunt growth, and you are only 5'7 you probally still growing,
    lol i've only grown about an inch since i was a froshman in highschool. i was 5'6 back then about 5 years ago then never grew. also they prefer shorter guys in the seals despite of what you may have seen in the movies or been told. but thanks for the advice man. p.s. when you said stunt growth did you mean i am gonna shrink or just not gonna grow taller any more? so do you think is it ok to run while on sd?
    Last edited by lc1987; 03-21-2006 at 08:21 PM.

  27. #147
    THE_DOME's Avatar
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    you wont grow any taller. but anyways if you start taking sd make sure you get all the neccesary vitamins posted at the begining of this thread. just eat 6-8 meals get 300g of pro and eliminate carbs after five, you should be able to gain 5-10 easy

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    you wont grow any taller. but anyways if you start taking sd make sure you get all the neccesary vitamins posted at the begining of this thread. just eat 6-8 meals get 300g of pro and eliminate carbs after five, you should be able to gain 5-10 easy
    thanks a lot bro. i pretty much have most of the supps that i need except for red yeast. is this necessary? also as for the running question again man do you think it's ok to run?

  29. #149
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    in my opinion i would limit it just while your on your 4week cycle so you can focus on weight training. mabee like run three days a week, possible do them on non work out days.

  30. #150
    D-Bo Dre's Avatar
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    Wussup Dome and 1987.. I am on day 2 of PCT and actually gained 2 more lbs.. Kinda strange but true. All together I put on about 12lbs from SD. My strength is steady and I am still having great workouts. SD def. gave me lean muscle but during PCT I want to focus on getting more cut, expecially in the abs. I am taking Nolva at 40 for this first week then 20/20/20. Prob. going to have a blood test on the third week to make sure my liver values are back to norm.. (I am itching for a beer, cant wait)

  31. #151
    D-Bo Dre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lc1987
    thanks a lot bro. i pretty much have most of the supps that i need except for red yeast. is this necessary? also as for the running question again man do you think it's ok to run?
    HEy, If you are really concerned about gaining unwanted fat from the SD, I recommend you look into a supplement called Censor instead of Red Yeast. It is great for maintaining healthy choleterol levels and supports stubborn fat loss. This is what I used intead of red yeast rice and it runs for about the same price. Look into it bro..

  32. #152
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    nice to hear from ya d-bo, how are the strenght gains overall, i ahve been on pct for about 8 days now.

  33. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Bo Dre
    HEy, If you are really concerned about gaining unwanted fat from the SD, I recommend you look into a supplement called Censor instead of Red Yeast. It is great for maintaining healthy choleterol levels and supports stubborn fat loss. This is what I used intead of red yeast rice and it runs for about the same price. Look into it bro..

    wut up man. where did you get your censor bro? how much is it? cuz i don't think they have it at the local vitamin store.

  34. #154
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    III, what were you before after stats and training history?

  35. #155
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    i will start my sd cycle this tuesday. it's gonna be 10/20/20/20 and i will take the following supps:
    hawthorne berry extract 1000 mg
    no flush niacin 1000 mg
    milk thistle 1050 mg
    efa's 10-15 g
    multivitamin 2 pills a day
    vit.c 4 g a day


    day 1
    chest 9 sets
    back 9 sets

    day 2
    shoulders 9 sets
    traps 5 sets
    legs 9 sets
    calves 4 sets

    day 3
    triceps 9 sets
    biceps 9 sets

    day 4 rest

    day 5 back to day 1

    diet would be clean bulk. i would take about 200 grams of carbs, 250 grams of pro and about 40-50 g fat

    for pct i will be taking the same supps as my cycle but i am gonna add clen for only 2 weeks and i am gonna cut during pct. maybe downing carbs to 130-150g. here is my clen plan

    day1 20mcg
    day2 40mcg
    day3 60mcg
    day4 80mcg
    day5 100mcg
    day6 120mcg
    day7 120mcg
    day8 120mcg
    day9 120mcg
    day10 100mcg
    day11 80mcg
    day12 60mcg
    day13 40mcg
    day14 20mcg

    taurine 5g a day

    should i stop clen after 2 weeks? is it good enough? also where can i get a mcg measurer because i will get the liquid clen from i b e nutrition and i don't wanna mess things up? please critique my plan! thanks guys.

  36. #156
    D-Bo Dre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    nice to hear from ya d-bo, how are the strenght gains overall, i ahve been on pct for about 8 days now.
    Wussup bro.. I wonder what happened to the others that started this thread with us, like diponyou and III?? Anywayz, my strength gains have been great, I def. can lift heavier weight now than ever before.. However, I am sometimes hesitant going too heavy b/c I am scared of injury. I hurt my shoulder couple months back and dont want to re-injure it.. I sometimes have to be pushed by my buddy at the gym to go heavier, but I'm glad because it reveals my true potential..

    When do u usually take your nolva?? and your jumping on test afterwards right'? talk to u later.

  37. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by lc1987
    wut up man. where did you get your censor bro? how much is it? cuz i don't think they have it at the local vitamin store.
    I got it at GNC.. it is made by NDS Nutrition. It has Omega 3-6-9, has oils for joints, supports heart health, maintains cholesterol levels, and supports fat loss. like $39. check it out. Worked great for me.

  38. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Bo Dre
    Wussup bro.. I wonder what happened to the others that started this thread with us, like diponyou and III?? Anywayz, my strength gains have been great, I def. can lift heavier weight now than ever before.. However, I am sometimes hesitant going too heavy b/c I am scared of injury. I hurt my shoulder couple months back and dont want to re-injure it.. I sometimes have to be pushed by my buddy at the gym to go heavier, but I'm glad because it reveals my true potential..

    When do u usually take your nolva?? and your jumping on test afterwards right'? talk to u later.

    My nova is liquid i take it in tme morning with my pwo shake. I am going to start my test dbol cycle april 1. so my sd cycle will be three on three off then my test, i am not really sure what to expect as far as gains, i just put on 10lbs. with dbol i will put on some quick water weight and then test-e will kick in, but after about ten weeks of bulking i am gonig to cut the last 5 with test prop and clen . hopefully about 240 with 6-7percent bf

  39. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    My nova is liquid i take it in tme morning with my pwo shake. I am going to start my test dbol cycle april 1. so my sd cycle will be three on three off then my test, i am not really sure what to expect as far as gains, i just put on 10lbs. with dbol i will put on some quick water weight and then test-e will kick in, but after about ten weeks of bulking i am gonig to cut the last 5 with test prop and clen. hopefully about 240 with 6-7percent bf

    240 with 6% body fat is really impressive. Do you plan on competing? You are really dedicated bro, I dont know how you do it!! I finished my superdrol and cant wait to get through pct.. Going out to clubs and bars without drinking alcohol has been really hard especially when you have alcoholic friends who do nothing but tempt you But I'm really happy with the results I got, cant wait for summer.. talk 2 you later.

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