6'5" 239lbs.

I've finished my first week of Superdrol, and must say that so far I'm ecstatic about the results. I've put on 6.5 pounds in the first week, and that's following a clean bulk that you can see in the Diet section that I outlined. My fats are coming from natty pb and flax oil, and my carbs are 90% complex, with zero simple sugar intake.

My strength in the gym has gone up substantially.....

Start: 285lbs x 5 reps
Now: 305lbs x 4 reps

Straight bar curls:
Start: 115lbs x 6 reps
Now: 135lbs x 6 reps

Reverse Grip Lat Pulldowns
Start: 230lbs x 8 reps
Now: 270 x 8 reps

I've gone up in just about every area, yet those would be the most drastic. My gains have bee pretty lean, and is very noticable in my arms and shoulders. Sides had been non-existent until this morning, when I felt extremely lethargic. But I feel great now. Minimal back pumps....I may up my Taurine a bit, as well as more water intake, and cutback on the Coke Zero (I'm addicted)

Anyhow, I'll keep you guys posted at the end of this week. Time for me to house some chicken. Peace