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  1. #1
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    Needing a good fatburner/weight loss supplement

    Last edited by caper; 06-05-2012 at 02:23 PM.

  2. #2
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    give some stats, you'll get better answers, there's lots of great things out there but not all fat loss aids are good for everyone.

  3. #3
    III is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by caper
    Hey guys,

    im curious what the hot over the counter or any GNC store fat burner is these days? im starting a 80% cardio workout from my usually weight lifting to start try and lose 15 pounds or drop 8% body fat naturally by diet and cardio...and would like an aid or boost =)

    my weight body is genetic i think...and i have mainly belly fat. and need something that will boost my metablism

    let me know guys!

    You'll save alot of money if you purchase your supps online & NOT at GNC, GNC is way over priced!!!!!!!!

  4. #4
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    give some stats? im assuming you mean my critique

    Im 23, 183 lbs, 16% body fat...looking to lose 10-15 pounds of fat...and then hit a deca /test cycle up later down the road when im skinny =)

    DIET: right now my diet F'in sucks..ive tried 3 types for 1-2 months each...protein diets, adkins, south good

    ive read a bunch of the stickys here and gotten some good ideas but im not picky and i can eat whatever for about a month...if its nasty then i start losing interest but if i see results then i dont care..ill eat tuna every day 6 times a day...

    Workout: well im changing my routine from weights to cardio and weights..havent figure out a new gameplan for this coming up diet/loss weight cycle im going to start...

    i figure ill run every other day for an hour...then tuesday/thursday i will run for 20 minutes and then hit the weights...upper tuesday, lower thursday

    the reason i want mainly because i just graduated college and now imworking 40 hours a week at a real job and im EXHAUSTED after energy to cook, healthy..i just need a boost or something

  5. #5
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    i'd build your diet off the cutting sticky. i know you said you saw it, USE it. it works it wouldn't be a sticky for nothing and tons of members (myself included) will vouch for it. as for a supplement i'd go with an ECA stack. nothing too intense like clen or T3 and i think that'd fit you best for where you're at.

  6. #6
    sputnik's Avatar
    sputnik is offline Banned
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    If using supps, I'd suggest something milder and non-stimulant, but just as effective and without side effects, such as C-Amphibolic, SesaThin and Green tea

  7. #7
    jagzman04's Avatar
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    Sounds like you could use some Firelean. It's a thermogenic pill that you take like 20 min before you do cardio.

    I'm taking it right now I was 236 lbs now im 219 lbs, looking to be around 200-205 lb (cut to shit).

    Firelean has helped me, I sweat like 2-3 times more than I did when I would do cardio and not take the i'd check it out if I were you, especially if you only want to lose 10-15 lbs...this would help easily.

  8. #8
    chinups Guest
    eca stack is a great option


    i you can't lose weight on that then well i don't know

  9. #9
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    what kinda eca?

    also on the firelean...are you talking about the ephedra or ephedra free..please!! thanks!
    Last edited by caper; 06-05-2012 at 02:22 PM.

  10. #10
    rastling1 is offline Junior Member
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    for first supp i would stick with non-stimulant stuff too

    Sesathin, CLA, ALA, Biotin, Green Tea, Fish oils, all that stuff

  11. #11
    ruffrydadd is offline Junior Member
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    what do you all think about that weight loss supplement Lipo winning "weight loss supplement of the year" in magazines like Muscle and Fitness and Mens Fitness. Personally, I think its garbage...

  12. #12
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    sesapure, fish oil, EGCG, etc...

    diet and training are the backbone of any plan--- remember supplements are just that.. supplementary additions.

  13. #13
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    food, taken correctly will create an environment that will eat away your fat..

    clen /t3 is the best i have tried..

    but you want something from GNC... oh well
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  14. #14
    brutesinme's Avatar
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    flax oil/eca/nutrition

  15. #15
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    AHHH not GNC, i meant NON gear...over the counter supplements GNC IS CRAP

    but i need a serious metabolism booster...

  16. #16
    brutesinme's Avatar
    brutesinme is offline Member
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    If you are concerned about taking T3 to rack up your metabolism look at gugglesterones (metabolic thyrolean by prolab) Haven't tried them myself, but i've heard some good things about them. And again, of course, the best diet drug combo ever, prescription or not, is ephedrine caffine. Period

  17. #17
    yodaddy's Avatar
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    RREEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDLLLLLLLLLIIIINNNNNNNEEEE is the shit i would give that a try it works so well adn gives so much energy and burns tons of fat

  18. #18
    ruffrydadd is offline Junior Member
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    Redline is basically just a massive amount of caffeine, yohimbe, green tea, yerba mate, cAMP, and a couple other things most people have never heard of. ( 5 HTP (5 hydroxy-l-tryptophan), Evoburn (Evodiamine), Vinpocetine). It could work but it sounds like most other products out there...

  19. #19
    yodaddy's Avatar
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    LIsten go to the store and buy one drink it and see if u still think "its the same as most other products" im telling you that this stuff is liquid crack(in a good way) its the most amazing rush you will ever get better and safer then anything u have ever taken....ANYTHING just give one bottle a shot and let me know

  20. #20
    ruffrydadd is offline Junior Member
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    Im not saying it won't give you a rush. Its got like 3 different delivery systems of caffiene, you are going to get an insane rush. I just doubt it is as effective of a fat burner as it claims, assuming from it's ingredients. but Im sure it does accelerate weight loss somewhat. I'll grab a bottle though next time I get my protien and try it.

  21. #21
    yodaddy's Avatar
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    ok cool let me know what u think of it.....i have been using it on and off with a good workout routine and diet for a year now and have loost over 50 pounds and im proud to say i think i look great(so do da ladies hahah)

  22. #22
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    that redline crap is nasty..its just cherry coughsyrup (not the drinks)...i actually passed out at the gym 2 months ago on it...i did 30 mins cardio got off to get water...sat down cuz i was getting dizzy and passed out

  23. #23
    novastepp's Avatar
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    we've got a Redline activist on our hands i do believe...

  24. #24
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    redline jacks you up because it has high amounts of caffeine and yohimbine. Its not a particularly effective fat burner.

  25. #25
    pelly789's Avatar
    pelly789 is offline Member
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    you did say your looking for an energy boost also though so redline is a good choice and if your passing out from it your drinking too much of it or your not eating right at all...its basically just an energy drink imo i second yodaddy i personally love it and i dont believe it tastes that bad its no worse than any other energy boosters out there...besides that the biggest thing thats going to get your metabolism going is a balanced diet i would see how far you can get with a strict diet and cardio(i would also hit the weights while doing this cutting) i dont know how big you are or want to be but i personally would not want to cut down to being skinny with no base of muscle. im sure my opinion doesnt mean much and your going to probaly take some supplements anyway but i would seriously get your diet in check as you said its horrible and then consider taking thermogenics like an eca/ecy stack i also heard that thermorexin is a pretty good fat burner too but whatever you do good luck and i hope i helped you out some!

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by pelly789
    but i would seriously get your diet in check as you said its horrible
    agree. thermogenics and metabolic agents wont be all that effective (at fat loss) with a bad diet and exercise program. They can help to significantly reduce the damage of "overeating", but if you are trying to make significant progress then they need to at least be decent

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