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  1. #1
    chinups Guest

    10 yr old nephew needs to gain weight

    So my 10 yr old nephew wrestles and plays all sports but he is small real small. He is like 55 lbs and skinny. My sister asked me to research for him and see if I can come up with some kind of shake.

    Is it bad to have a kid on a protein shake??


  2. #2
    Mealticket's Avatar
    Mealticket is offline Senior Member
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    Thats great. Teach the kid that he's not going to get anywhere in life w/ out the use of supplements(or steroids as far as he's concerned). Teach him he's not strong enough, not good enough the way he is. Might as well start sticking him now!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is gonna be the same kid on here in 5 years asking how he can put on weight to make the varsity football team, "because my uncle gave me some sort of steroids or supplements when i was 10".
    HE'S FUKING 10.
    Let him be a kid!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    chinups Guest
    first off dickhead calm yourself down. You know nothing about me or the "kid"

    Second did I go run to him and put him on a regime??? Matter of fact why did you respond??? Mom didn't make breakfast this AM so you want to vent??

    Get the **** out of my thread

  4. #4
    kaptainkeezy04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chinups
    So my 10 yr old nephew wrestles and plays all sports but he is small real small. He is like 55 lbs and skinny. My sister asked me to research for him and see if I can come up with some kind of shake.

    Is it bad to have a kid on a protein shake??

    i think a good weight gainer would be okay for him...after all its pretty much a food replacement...also make sure he is getting a good children's multivitamin.

  5. #5
    novastepp's Avatar
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    i just hope you dont make him fat by doing this. i'd rather be skinny than fat as a 10 year old.

  6. #6
    chinups Guest
    Well he wrestles and it looks like he is going to break. He is very skinny. Not tredendously but my sister called me last night looking for advice. I told her don't do anything and let me look into it.

    I am pretty sure he is on a mutli, and I know for a fact his diet (eating habits) are terrible, well not terrible but what a 10 yr old should eat. Hes just having a hard time putting on his young mans weight.

    What I would suggest is maybe a 1/4 scoop of protein with some strawberries and fruits, basicly a smoothy. She wouldn't even tell him what it was just make him take one a day.

    Just going to research to see what is a good thing for him
    What do you think?

  7. #7
    Myka's Avatar
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    save for taking away his childhood...I dont think there is a lot that can be done...If he is only 55lbs he would have to be on a similar plan as people like us...JMO

  8. #8
    chino777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chinups
    Is it bad to have a kid on a protein shake??
    I think that you should not advice him to drink protein shakes cause you don't know the reason why he is that skinny, or do you?

    First of all i would go to a doctor to get him checked, perhaps he has hyperthyreosis or something else.
    After that i would take a closer look what he is eating all day etc...
    perhaps he only needs needs more "nomal" food.
    To grow up you need much more than just protein.
    A protein shake will never be a replacement for balanced nutrition and could even have contra-productive effects.

  9. #9
    Chemical King's Avatar
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    Here there and everywhere
    most kids that are active at that age are skinny. He should start to fill out a bit later on though.

    But I dont see why he cant be educated on healthy living/eating in the meantime

  10. #10
    chinups Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by chino777
    I think that you should not advice him to drink protein shakes cause you don't know the reason why he is that skinny, or do you?

    First of all i would go to a doctor to get him checked, perhaps he has hyperthyreosis or something else.
    After that i would take a closer look what he is eating all day etc...
    perhaps he only needs needs more "nomal" food.
    To grow up you need much more than just protein.
    A protein shake will never be a replacement for balanced nutrition and could even have contra-productive effects.
    thanks for the post
    I have already started on his eating habits and spoke to his doctor. I was just thinking about a shake before bed. There really is no negative side effects to having a kid take 1/4 of the amount of a shake that I would take

  11. #11
    chinups Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Chemical King
    most kids that are active at that age are skinny. He should start to fill out a bit later on though.

    But I dont see why he cant be educated on healthy living/eating in the meantime
    Well he is def a late bloomer but he is awfully small for his age, allthe kids on his team are bigger and more mature. going to get him eating a bit better and might add in a nice shake once and while. Of course I will make it mostly fruits and what not with a bit of a shake. going to cont to research

    Thanks guys

  12. #12
    Rob's Avatar
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    i dont think he'd need a shake..just add more kid food to the cream, spaghetti, pizza on top of his regular regime.

    That should put some weight on him.

  13. #13
    chinups Guest
    I don't think adding bad fatty weight is the way to go. I was thinking a peanut butter and jelly with banana before bed. I don't want him eating candy and junk food for weight bad for teeth and habits

  14. #14
    TEXAS's Avatar
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    i just don't think a shake will turn the scale upside down ??

    shake won't give 55 more lbs??

    If i were you, i ganna have him to eat a decent breakfast that has egg whites, whole eggs, mayo, cheese, nuts, cereal and a skim milk...etc

    I also will make sure that he eats rice, potato, cereal, cottage cheese, throughout the day.

    would give him a break during weekends, let him have some EXTRA treat that would be kinda ice cream, pizza, addition to the real food.

    real food = grow grow grow.

    hope you got what i mean

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by chinups
    I don't think adding bad fatty weight is the way to go. I was thinking a peanut butter and jelly with banana before bed. I don't want him eating candy and junk food for weight bad for teeth and habits
    Stuff like that.

    kid food.

  16. #16
    chinups Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by TEXAS

    i just don't think a shake will turn the scale upside down ??

    shake won't give 55 more lbs??

    If i were you, i ganna have him to eat a decent breakfast that has egg whites, whole eggs, mayo, cheese, nuts, cereal and a skim milk...etc

    I also will make sure that he eats rice, potato, cereal, cottage cheese, throughout the day.

    would give him a break during weekends, let him have some EXTRA treat that would be kinda ice cream, pizza, addition to the real food.

    real food = grow grow grow.

    hope you got what i mean
    Yeah I got it! Thanks

    I have to get at his mom I think. Its really not on him

  17. #17
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chemical King
    most kids that are active at that age are skinny. He should start to fill out a bit later on though.

    But I dont see why he cant be educated on healthy living/eating in the meantime

    I was 110 lbs when I was 10 and they actually made me run laps in a garbage bag suit for 4 days prior to youth football games because they had a weight limit and they weighted us in before each game (what a bunch of sadistic ****s).
    I felt like shit about myself because I was the only kid who barely made the weight before games each week. by the time games started, I was so fatigued from starving myself that I didn;t even want to play.

    Basically what i'm trying to say is that the kid may feel bad about himself because everyone tells him he's too small, on the other hand, I know you want to make him feel better about himself and you have good intentions.

    Obviously, you can't have him lift yet, but I don;t see anything wrong with supervising his diet and working with him that way. Maybe he's just eating too many PBJs and not enough Tuna salad sandwiches.

    I would also get a doctor's opinion. One of my friends was under 5 feet tall and under 100 lbs until his sophomore year of Highschool and a doctor found a problem with his glands or somthing and put him on HGH. He's now 6'2 210 lbs. If the problem was caught sooner, he may have enjoyed growing up more.

  18. #18
    brutesinme's Avatar
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    Healthy, whole foods. Supplements are just that; they won't make up for poor nutrition.

  19. #19
    chinups Guest
    Thanks Max

    He has a great self esteem. We don't make him feel bad about it but he is having a hard time growing and I figured if we can get him going in the right direction it will help him alot. He is very active and don't want his bones to be breaking and what not

  20. #20
    jsimon's Avatar
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    tell him to eat...feed the kid meats and potatos...and plently of milk.

  21. #21
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chinups
    Thanks Max

    He has a great self esteem. We don't make him feel bad about it but he is having a hard time growing and I figured if we can get him going in the right direction it will help him alot. He is very active and don't want his bones to be breaking and what not
    The kid probably idolises you, so maybe you can use that to help him learn to eat right. Make him aware of how you eat, what you eat, and why you eat it.

  22. #22
    Mealticket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chinups
    first off dickhead calm yourself down. You know nothing about me or the "kid"

    Second did I go run to him and put him on a regime??? Matter of fact why did you respond??? Mom didn't make breakfast this AM so you want to vent??

    Get the **** out of my thread

    It's a PUBLIC forum assclown. I'll say what i want. Obviously the kid doesnt have a voice so someone got to speak up for him. I'll let you get back to your CPS questioning

  23. #23
    chinups Guest

    After mommy feeds you your shake come over here and daddy will burp you.

  24. #24
    pelly789's Avatar
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    just adjust his diet to healthier foods that have more nutrient value when i was 10 i played football and didnt know or care about protein shakes or working out...i think the best thing to do is to adjust his diet maybe add more to it other than that let him be a kid

  25. #25
    chinups Guest
    I just don't get the whole "let him be a kid thing"

    I mean we wuold give him a little shake with fruits in it, maybe a bit of ice cream in it. What is so not kid like about that??? Its a shake when I was a kid I LOEVD THEM!!

    I do get what your saying pelly..thanks

  26. #26
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
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    **** it..put him on GH lol.

  27. #27
    mkk359 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chinups
    I just don't get the whole "let him be a kid thing"

    Theres a saying from this old book called Emile. "Let kids be kids and they'll grow up to be adults." Basically if you tell a kid how to do everything they won't learn to think for themselves, in turn they'll never grow up.

    I think its great that your concerned about your nephew, it shows thats he fortunate enough to have you as an uncle. Quite frankly I'd be concerned to, I mean I thought I was bad when I didn't break 100 pounds untill 5th grade. However that all became ancient history when I got up to 220 pounds and 25-28% BF 8 years later. Before that I had a 70 pound weight gain from 7th to 8th grade. I wish I didn't have to learn the hard way but I'm better off now because of my experiences.

    So the kids got time to grow. Heck depending on your family history he might be eventually proned to obesity. However as of now just let him be. I wouldn't intervene unless you notice he starts to become annorexic. Heck, maybe one day when hes a senior in high school his classmates might be standing around the locker room saying stuff like 'remember how small so and so USE TO BE'. In the end he should be fine.

  28. #28
    Milky87 is offline Member
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    A shake a day keeps the bigger kids away

    There is no problem with giving him a full-sized proteinshake before bed, he needs it for developement, especially at his age. Apart from that, let him eat everything else he would normally eat. he will most liekly gain alot of mass over the next 5 years as his metabolism starts to slow down

  29. #29
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chinups
    I just don't get the whole "let him be a kid thing"

    I mean we wuold give him a little shake with fruits in it, maybe a bit of ice cream in it. What is so not kid like about that??? Its a shake when I was a kid I LOEVD THEM!!

    I do get what your saying pelly..thanks
    I don;t see anything wrong with this at all. Obviously, the kid isn;t going to want to eat a can of salmon or a chicken breast at night, and it's better than eating junk food. The shake will satisfy his sweet tooth.

    I think this is perfectly fine, as long as you don;t force it on him. Let him pick his own flavors and make his own combination. It will be fun for him and he'll look forward to it.

  30. #30
    chinups Guest
    To be honest I am going to give my sister a tongue lashing more then anything. The truth is she needs to step up her gameplan. She nees to make him the right foods and stuff. I don't think there is anything wrong with shakes or anything like that but I think she should make him pasta every night or potatoes like some of the bruddahs said.

    Thanks everyone

  31. #31
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Test Is Best

  32. #32
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  33. #33
    farrebarre's Avatar
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    weight gainer would be best. the guy at the supplement store told me that you should drink it during meals, otherwise he will get full just by drinking the gainer and probably wont eat any food.

  34. #34
    Milky87 is offline Member
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    So what does this genius think is going to happen if he drinks it with his meal? (hint: the exact same thing)

  35. #35
    Myka's Avatar
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    the guy at the supplement store told me
    at this point it is always safe to assume something stupid is about to be excreted...

  36. #36
    RMBros's Avatar
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    The main difference between his metabolism and ours is just that his is a ton faster.

    Remember that puberty is one of the only times in life that boys can add new fat cells (rather than just enlarging the old ones), so be careful what you wish for.....

    Why not just put him on a good, clean bulking type diet - carbs in the morning when the cortisol levels are right for carbs and mostly protiens through the rest of the day.

    He's ten, not five, so he can start to take charge of his diet himself. Teach him how to eat, help him make a plan, and then see if HE can teach Mom how to cook healthy.

    As the old saying goes - You can't OD on protien, you just shit out what you don't need.

  37. #37
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mealticket
    Thats great. Teach the kid that he's not going to get anywhere in life w/ out the use of supplements(or steroids as far as he's concerned). Teach him he's not strong enough, not good enough the way he is. Might as well start sticking him now!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is gonna be the same kid on here in 5 years asking how he can put on weight to make the varsity football team, "because my uncle gave me some sort of steroids or supplements when i was 10".
    HE'S FUKING 10.
    Let him be a kid!!!!!!!!!!

  38. #38
    Theatrix's Avatar
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    My son is 10 and 131lbs. He's the other extreme. Tall and strong. But I have to watch him or he would put on too much weight. Proper diet is a must for all kids. Has nothing to do with letting them be kids. Eating right teaches them responsibility for their bodies and will help with their self esteem in the future. I would have no trouble at all putting my kid on Protein and making sure he eats right if he needed to gain weight.

  39. #39
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  40. #40
    Mealticket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAXIMA5

    I think it's adorable how you both of you comment on me in eachothers threads. you guys got something else going on?
    You been here a fuking month biotch. u best watch yourself.

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