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Thread: Clen

  1. #1
    bcap is offline Member
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    Feb 2006


    Hey guys

    Ok i've done some research (ish) but i'm still very confused about exactly what Clen is.

    I understand that what it does is very close to what ephedrine does - but it lasts 24 hours a day instead of just 2 - 3 that ephedrine does.

    Now a couple questions:

    1) is it a steroid ?
    2) does it convert to estrogen (i'm assuming that if 1 is no, 2 is no)?
    3) does it do ANYTHING with your horomones?
    4) side-effects - shaky, is that prety much it?
    5) are there any long term side effects?
    6) i am following a diet very close to the cutting sticky - is that sufficient diet to take with it, or what kind of diet do you need with it?

    Thanks a bunch!


  2. #2
    Cardio Kitten's Avatar
    Cardio Kitten is offline Female Member
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    It's not a steriod , has nothing to do with estrogen, shaky is common side effect, also night sweats, and you're going to perspire big time while doing cardio...

  3. #3
    bcap is offline Member
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    Is that pretty much it though? How about long term effects? Does it to anything bad to your body? I understand this is an odd question - because EVERYTHING does something bad to your body, but you knwo what i mean, right? What kind of diet woudl you have to be following?

    Thanks a lot for the quick response for Cardio Kitten, much appreciated!

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    goto steroid profiles and read about it
    its an asthma medication that was bannd due to its excessive half life.

  5. #5
    The Moose's Avatar
    The Moose is offline Junior Member
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    Clen effects your beta receptors, more specifally then ephedrine, clen fine points them providing better results, while ephedrine acts more like a hammer and hits all the receptors around the ones that your trying to effect. its stimulates your auto-nervous system causing shaky hands, trouble sleeping, night sweats, increased sweating during workout, and muscle cramps. Make sure to drink lots of water as clen raises your body temperature usually by 1/2 degree but i'm not doctor, just what i've read...and a pottassium supplement isn't a bad idea its cheap and it helps with the cramps. Awesome supplement, its safe as long as you don't exceed the max dosage (depending on the mg/per tab or mg per/ml). Its best used either 1 week on 1 week off or 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, as your bodys temperature will slowly go back to normal and it won't have the same effect, if you use clen for more than 6 weeks it starts to have an anabolic effect (this is disputed) but to do that you exceed the safety limits and then Albuterol is reccommended (thats a side story) but clen is perfect on a calorie reduced diet as it helps you burn more calories on average 200-300 per day for a sedentary person.

  6. #6
    bcap is offline Member
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    thanks a bunch guys!

    i just have no idea where to get it

  7. #7
    zimmy's Avatar
    zimmy is offline Anabolic Member
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    you see how the word clen is underlined... that's because it's a clickable link.

  8. #8
    bcap is offline Member
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    i saw that - but is 30ml enough? also what's that taurine stuff?

  9. #9
    bcap is offline Member
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    oh i see ... its 200 per ml and theres 30 ml. i'd probably only take 100 per day, so that'll last me 60 days - quite a bit

  10. #10
    Giantz11's Avatar
    Giantz11 is offline Respected Member
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    Wrong forum, nad you need alot more research. Read hookers Profile.

  11. #11
    A_Kap is offline New Member
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    clearly barely searched, here's the handbook, good start to ur research:

    Clenbuterol handbook

  12. #12
    bcap is offline Member
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    Feb 2006
    hookers profile?

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