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  1. #1
    rissinite's Avatar
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    Those Who Have Used SD and PP....

    I've used SD and had great results, and am contemplating doing another bulker over the summer with one of the two. If those of you who have used both products could tell me which one you recommend, and why, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks

  2. #2
    miguy82 is offline Associate Member
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    I personally just ordered a bottle of both but have no yet ran a cycle of either..

    But ive heard people having success with both and heard people not responding to the pp. but im sure alot who didnt see much there diet could have played a roll idk.. Im also not sure which to try and run first for a cycle

  3. #3
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    I got 4 bottles of phera plex coming in soon, could not find superdrol and eard it has some bad side effects.

  4. #4
    rissinite's Avatar
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    OK guys.....not to flame but I'm glad you have ordered these products. Please leave the answers to guys who have actually USED them and can give me feedback....Thanks

  5. #5
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Phera-plex is my choice, however i haven't used SD. i used pheraplex 20mg ED for 4 weks with a few days at 30mg. i loved it. strength through the roof, and i gained 10 pounds and i am still holding all of it in my 2nd week of PCT. i don't think i gained an ounce of fat while on it, and i upped my cals about 600 over my maintenance level...i loved the stuff, i will be doing another run with it in the fall...

  6. #6
    mario_ps2's Avatar
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    In my experience, Superdrol has been more effective than phera-plex. I noticed that with superdrol, your weight gains are immediately noticed and the strengths are awesome, although it is more harsh to the liver.

    I tried Phera=plex for 2 weeks and I didn't really notice any weight gain nor strengths at all however some other guys have had excellent results. I guess it all depends on how your body response!

    My vote goes for Superdrol...

  7. #7
    miguy82 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mario_ps2
    In my experience, Superdrol has been more effective than phera-plex. I noticed that with superdrol, your weight gains are immediately noticed and the strengths are awesome, although it is more harsh to the liver.

    I tried Phera=plex for 2 weeks and I didn't really notice any weight gain nor strengths at all however some other guys have had excellent results. I guess it all depends on how your body response!

    My vote goes for Superdrol...

    cool, hearing that i think im a try the superdrol first, even know im sure itll give me more sides which im pron too esp acne . But for that i just ordered 2 bottles of250 grams of b5, man that stuff tastes horrible but gotta do what i gotta ill be prob taking 10g perday maybe for the first 3 weeks taking no chance of getting bad ance with the nice weather coming up for the sun to glare ff any red bumps. once i see ance tho it turns my agression on totally. but ill try not to. thanks for the responce to hear that bro

  8. #8
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miguy82
    cool, hearing that i think im a try the superdrol first, even know im sure itll give me more sides which im pron too esp acne . But for that i just ordered 2 bottles of250 grams of b5, man that stuff tastes horrible but gotta do what i gotta ill be prob taking 10g perday maybe for the first 3 weeks taking no chance of getting bad ance with the nice weather coming up for the sun to glare ff any red bumps. once i see ance tho it turns my agression on totally. but ill try not to. thanks for the responce to hear that bro
    10mg ED? that seems like a wste of time & money to me... i would go 20mg ED...

  9. #9
    pelly789's Avatar
    pelly789 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    10mg ED? that seems like a wste of time & money to me... i would go 20mg ED...

  10. #10
    miguy82 is offline Associate Member
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    NOVA... i said 10 grams of b-5, not 10 mg u must thought i ment 10mg of sd ed jk. but ill prob do 10/20/20/20 of sd, dont think i should need 20/20/20/20

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