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  1. #1
    jobyjoe's Avatar
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    First Superdrol Cycle, Need Advice...

    Hi all,
    Well I think I知 going to do my first superdrol cycle. I am planning on starting it in four weeks. I was thinking of doing a 4 week cycle:

    Week 1: 20mg
    Week 2: 30mg
    Week 3: 30mg
    Week 4: 40mg (depending on how I react to it. Might stay at 30mg)

    What do you guys think of this cycle. It will be my first cycle, ever. I知 22, been lifting hard for the past 3 years. 6 foot 3, 261 lbs. About 16% body fat. I am planning on doing a PCT of nolva and clomid (made another thread for this in the pct forum).

    Now I want to keep my liver protected, so I was planning on using:
    1 gram milk thistle
    300mg Alpha-Lipoic Acid
    1200mg N-Acetyl Cysteine

    However, can I just use Anabolic Xtreams Perfect Cycle, at 2 caps a day??? It seems like a reasonable substitute (it contains the above). Let me know what you guys think. Any and all comments welcome. Thanks.

  2. #2
    jobyjoe's Avatar
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  3. #3
    copenhagen's Avatar
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    i would go with the staple supplements:
    red yeast rice
    flush free niacin
    milk thistle
    hawthorne berry

    PCT looks good, make sure you continue the supplements(above) during pct
    as well.

    bro, not harping on you but i would do a 3 week cycle since this is your first experiance. 20/30/30.....or 20/30/40. im not nearly your size but i did a 3 week sd cycle at 10/20/20 and gained a good 12pounds (after pct) just make sure you keep some banannas on hand to combat the low back pumps.

    also use some sort of efa(flax seed,fish) tends to mess with lipid profiles.
    Last edited by copenhagen; 03-24-2006 at 10:52 AM.

  4. #4
    skipsmokesbud's Avatar
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    sounds good but why 4 week cycle? i did a 3week cycle and i got amazing gains and strength..and i heard ifu do it 4 weeks u dont gain ne more shit..dunno if its true tho.

  5. #5
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobyjoe
    Hi all,
    Well I think I知 going to do my first superdrol cycle. I am planning on starting it in four weeks. I was thinking of doing a 4 week cycle:

    Week 1: 20mg
    Week 2: 30mg
    Week 3: 30mg
    Week 4: 40mg (depending on how I react to it. Might stay at 30mg)

    What do you guys think of this cycle. It will be my first cycle, ever. I知 22, been lifting hard for the past 3 years. 6 foot 3, 261 lbs. About 16% body fat. I am planning on doing a PCT of nolva and clomid (made another thread for this in the pct forum).

    Now I want to keep my liver protected, so I was planning on using:
    1 gram milk thistle
    300mg Alpha-Lipoic Acid
    1200mg N-Acetyl Cysteine

    However, can I just use Anabolic Xtreams Perfect Cycle, at 2 caps a day??? It seems like a reasonable substitute (it contains the above). Let me know what you guys think. Any and all comments welcome. Thanks.

    i understand ur a big kid, but damn 40mg ED might really blaze the sides. i say you go 20/20/30/20 or something like that maybe another week of any case, and your AX perfect cycle will be fine, i would also take 2g Hawthorn Berry ED to help control BP. take in some EFA's if you aren't already for a little added liver protection. your Pct could also consist of AX supps if you wish, (PCT, RETAIN, and the nolva and/or clomid is a good idea...good luck!

  6. #6
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    12 pounds thats amazing, theses compains are really good cant wait to try Phera plex myself, i will use it for 3 weeks has well.

    At 200 pounds i guess that 20 will do for me for the whole 3 weeks, i got the liver protection (Perfect cycle) and PCT from anabolic xtreme.

  7. #7
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
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    i ran it 30mg ED for 4 weeks
    when i was 200lbs

    the very 1st time i ran it i went as high as 40mg for 2 days, and the sides (back pumps) were too much.

  8. #8
    jobyjoe's Avatar
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    Ok, so you guys think I should go with a 3 week cycle??
    I'm just worried I won't see the results because I am bigger. Would a 20/30/30 cycle be good then? Or should I do a 20/30/30/30 cycle??

    What about Perfect cycle, hawthorn berry, and flush free niacin as my supplement stack?

  9. #9
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
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    do 4 weeks 30mg ed morning , noon, night .
    if your not seeing gains bump it up ,
    if its too much on 30 drop down .
    one side i did get was head aches BAD (high blood pressure), and the hawthorn berry knock'd them out .

  10. #10
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by DevilsDeity
    i ran it 30mg ED for 4 weeks
    when i was 200lbs

    the very 1st time i ran it i went as high as 40mg for 2 days, and the sides (back pumps) were too much.
    30mg MMMMM i guess i could try it.

    How much did you gain, keep? after the PCT.

    Your up to 217 now has i saw in your profile.
    Thanks DevilsDeity.

  11. #11
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobyjoe
    Ok, so you guys think I should go with a 3 week cycle??
    I'm just worried I won't see the results because I am bigger. Would a 20/30/30 cycle be good then? Or should I do a 20/30/30/30 cycle??

    What about Perfect cycle, hawthorn berry, and flush free niacin as my supplement stack?
    i would still go with the 4 week cycle, and like DevilsDiety stated, if you don't like the results up it or if the sides are too harsh, lower it. perfect cycle, hawthorn berry and Bvitamins would be fine to supp...

  12. #12
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
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    sonar , i was talking to jobyjoe about the 30 cause hes a pretty big boy already . my profile is old im a little over 230 now thanks to PP. Sd did not work well on me not like the PP.
    SD was around 6-8lbs where PP was 10+. most of my cycles i lost around a pound or 2 and thats it .

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DevilsDeity
    sonar , i was talking to jobyjoe about the 30 cause hes a pretty big boy already . my profile is old im a little over 230 now thanks to PP. Sd did not work well on me not like the PP.
    SD was around 6-8lbs where PP was 10+. most of my cycles i lost around a pound or 2 and thats it .
    Thanks that is pertty impressive too if you gained 10 pounds in 1 month of muscles.

    At 200 pounds i got some decent mass with some bodyfat too 16% so if i can gain 10 pounds of muscles that will make a big difference on my total body composition of course i will also have a good diet to go with this.

    So i will stick with 20mg a day then.

  14. #14
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
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    you could go with 30 and if its too much back off , my 1st ever run @ SD was 10/20/30/40 10 and 20 i did not feel anything 30 was good 40 was way too much so my 2nd cycle i did 30 the whole time. sides were head pains , back pumps, tired all the time , NO sex drive, --- pretty much the same with PP except the sex drive was a little better not as shut off as SD ... ( once again this is just my personal experience with the compounds)

  15. #15
    Quil's Avatar
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    I started with 10/20/30/30 and wished I had gone to 30 much sooner. I didn't start seeing my biggest gains until I went up to 30. I think it really depends on the individual. I supplemented with Hawthorne Berry, Milk Thistle, and Flush Free Niacin as well. Only sides were back pumps.

  16. #16
    jobyjoe's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the replies, but I got another question.
    Should I still run creatine throughout the cycle? Or do you guys think I should stop taking it while using SD then start back up again during pct? Thanks guys.

  17. #17
    pelly789's Avatar
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    i think you should lay off the creatine just because it will help you in your pct to retain your gains but you dont have to it really doesnt matter i dont think

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by pelly789
    i think you should lay off the creatine just because it will help you in your pct to retain your gains but you dont have to it really doesnt matter i dont think
    Novastepp has suggested this to me has well and its a great idea, i got some Vault by San that i will run right after my PP cycle while on my PCT.

  19. #19
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobyjoe
    Thanks for all the replies, but I got another question.
    Should I still run creatine throughout the cycle? Or do you guys think I should stop taking it while using SD then start back up again during pct? Thanks guys.
    it will definately help keep your gains coupled with a good PCT...

  20. #20
    jobyjoe's Avatar
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    ok, so my cycle will be:
    20 mg ed for 1 week, 30mg ed for 3 weeks (will adjust this if sides are too much)
    -Take one pill, morning, noon and night

    I will use 2caps of Perfect Cycle, 2g Hawthorn berry extract, and B-complex Vitamin (how much should I take ed????) as a supplement stack.

    Does this sound good?

    PS: thanks guys for all your help. I just want to do this right, and get the most gains (and keep them!). And nova, if you have time, could you check out my PCT thread in the pct forum. I would just like an opinion on that. Thanks!
    Last edited by jobyjoe; 03-25-2006 at 07:40 PM.

  21. #21
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  22. #22
    novastepp's Avatar
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    you should be fine with that set-up... take one B-complex vitamin daily (depending on the amount) i usually take mine with my PPWO meal...

  23. #23
    jobyjoe's Avatar
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    Ok nova, thanks for your help. I can't wait to start my cycle. I'm hoping to see some good gains. We'll see though!

  24. #24
    novastepp's Avatar
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    you going to be keeping a log? i think you should...

  25. #25
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    EVERYONE KEEP LOGS!!! I like reading them lol

  26. #26
    jobyjoe's Avatar
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    yeah I think I will. I won't be starting my cycle for a couple weeks, but I am already getting excited.

  27. #27
    CatalysT's Avatar
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    im 17.... true...

    hello, i am 17 yo and i am about to do superdrol, my friend who is only 16 has done it and gotten very impressive results. I have been lifting for some time, on weight gainers and have not gained a pound. i have bad genes.... i am set on taking the SD but i would like to go about it the safest way possibal so if any of you can help with that it would be great. thanks and gL w/ the cycles.

  28. #28
    rake922's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CatalysT
    hello, i am 17 yo and i am about to do superdrol, my friend who is only 16 has done it and gotten very impressive results. I have been lifting for some time, on weight gainers and have not gained a pound. i have bad genes.... i am set on taking the SD but i would like to go about it the safest way possibal so if any of you can help with that it would be great. thanks and gL w/ the cycles.
    3 week cycle

    nolvadex for 4 week after your cycle

  29. #29
    CatalysT's Avatar
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    i would be taking...

    1000mg Milk Thistle ED (1 week prior to cycle) & continuing through.

    week 1- SD 10mg ED, 1 cap of AX's Prostanozol, 1 cap of Inhibit-E
    week 2- SD 10mg ED, 1 cap of AX's Prostanozol, 1 cap of Inhibit-E
    week 3- SD 20mg ED, 2 cap of AX's Prostanozol, 1 cap of Inhibit-E

    week 4- Rebound XT 75mg ED, 2 cap of Inhibit-E
    week 5- Rebound XT 50mg ED, 2 cap of Inhibit-E
    week 6- Rebound XT 25mg ED, 1 cap of Inhibit-E
    (splitting the rebound evenly one morn, 2 even taken w/ 10g of fat)

    I will also be taking HGC throught the whole cycle, amount, unsure.

    HOW's ThiS LooK?

  30. #30
    CatalysT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rake922
    3 week cycle

    nolvadex for 4 week after your cycle

    because im so small i would like to go 10/10/20 and do i need the nolva or is the rebound and inherit E good?

    thanks for such a quick reply bro!

  31. #31
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CatalysT
    hello, i am 17 yo and i am about to do superdrol, my friend who is only 16 has done it and gotten very impressive results. I have been lifting for some time, on weight gainers and have not gained a pound. i have bad genes.... i am set on taking the SD but i would like to go about it the safest way possibal so if any of you can help with that it would be great. thanks and gL w/ the cycles.
    first, don't hijack threads,
    second, do a search because you should be able to find all the info you need on here from the hundreds of KIDS like you that ask these questions daily,
    third, look at what i capitalized in the last sentence, you are 17 you aren't even allowed on here yet, don't ruin your body by doing this so early,
    fourth, knock down a solid diet and try Iron Mans HIT, you will have great gains without sacrificing your young natural test producing body...

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