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  1. #1
    MongooseMcQueen is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2005

    Ephedra Crash NEEN HELP ASAP

    I have been using Ephedra for alot of months and recently hit a wall. I take my regular dosage of my ECA stack and add extra 200 mg of caffiene, and that does nothing for me for the last 3 weeks, i took my dosage this morning and nothing i went right back to bec, i need help i need a boost what should i do????????

  2. #2
    MongooseMcQueen is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2005
    i feel like shit please need help

  3. #3
    MongooseMcQueen is offline Junior Member
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  4. #4
    stocky121's Avatar
    stocky121 is offline VET~ Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    you need a rest off ephradine you shouldn't have been running it constantly for month's on end
    no open source posting
    keep all source request's to PM'S please

    someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.

    detailed detection times
    at least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source check
    unsure about the rule's please read up
    thread for first cycle choices


  5. #5
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Take a break from that sh!t..Sleep is a healer. Take a sleeping pill. Monitor your heart. You might not be as bad off as you think. You got to relax and mello out. Stress will mess you up.

  6. #6
    MongooseMcQueen is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    Take a break from that sh!t..Sleep is a healer. Take a sleeping pill. Monitor your heart. You might not be as bad off as you think. You got to relax and mello out. Stress will mess you up.
    thanks, i have alot of shit on the table right now personally, i cannot sleep, Tylonle PM is not working for me at all, just took nyquill, i have been having alot of sleeping problems

    should i go to my DR and tell him my problem, can he prescribe anything that will help me out?

    thank you to all

  7. #7
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mar 2004
    dont you know anything about ephedrine supplimentation??? Its not like a vitamin you can take all year round. Its a beta-2 receptor stimulator. RECEPTORS wear out! You cant trun that stuff more than 12 weeks MAX, and even that is pushin it.
    You have burnd your receptor sites teomporarily, and they will need time to rejenerate. Your feeling like crap cuz your metabolism has stalled since it was dependent of the ephedra. You need a few more weeks to get it back to normal. Make sure your taking in some good carbs and not cutting back on total food intake too much. You may feel sluggish, cold, foggy for a few weeks. Get off all the stimulants, caffien, eohedra, yohimbe, clen . You need to let your system recover and your receptors resensitize.Try some tyrosine to help kickstart your metabolism. You also need to hang around this place more often and use the search option everytime you try a new supplement cuz you sound young and you dont know what your doing. Not to flame but its true.
    Second of all, what r u using ephedriine for? what r ur ggoals? are you competetive?
    epehedrine is good stuff, but use it for too long or too high a dosage and it can damge your heart, and screw with your metabolism.
    Its a trmedous fat burning agent. I like it even better than clen. but it must be respected. it must be CYCLED. even if not using it everyday, after several weeks the receptors downgrade.
    I only use it for 8 weeks at a time, once a YEAR, to get cut for summer.
    This gives me plenty of time to resensitize.
    Still, you must take benadryle every third week 50-100mg to resensitize you receptors while on.
    I would take it while off also i your case since you just abused the heck out of your receotors. But i wouldnt start benedryle yet. not for a few months, cuz i think you need 6 full months before touching ephedra again. If you start the beadryle now you will be too groggy sicne your metabolism is stalled. Benadryle must be taken at night cuz it makes you sleepy.
    After you start feeeling more like yourself without any or herbs, then start some benadryle at 25 mg a nite and work up to 100 over the course of a couple months. By generic diphenhydramine, its cheaper.
    Then after a couple months of that you could run another cycle for 8-12 weeks. So, wait for months before doing ANYTHING. Then start benedryle for 2 months, then you can do another cycle. This would be 6 months from now.
    I have done the same thng as you, burned my receptors, but my run was only 15 weeks, whcih is still very long for epphedrine but you sound like its been many months. After that cycle i took 3 motnhs off and went back on it. iT still was not enough time and it stopped working after a week. You need six months. Realize what you did to yourself.

  8. #8
    MongooseMcQueen is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    dont you know anything about ephedrine supplimentation??? Its not like a vitamin you can take all year round. Its a beta-2 receptor stimulator. RECEPTORS wear out! You cant trun that stuff more than 12 weeks MAX, and even that is pushin it.
    You have burnd your receptor sites teomporarily, and they will need time to rejenerate. Your feeling like crap cuz your metabolism has stalled since it was dependent of the ephedra. You need a few more weeks to get it back to normal. Make sure your taking in some good carbs and not cutting back on total food intake too much. You may feel sluggish, cold, foggy for a few weeks. Get off all the stimulants, caffien, eohedra, yohimbe, clen . You need to let your system recover and your receptors resensitize.Try some tyrosine to help kickstart your metabolism. You also need to hang around this place more often and use the search option everytime you try a new supplement cuz you sound young and you dont know what your doing. Not to flame but its true.
    Second of all, what r u using ephedriine for? what r ur ggoals? are you competetive?
    epehedrine is good stuff, but use it for too long or too high a dosage and it can damge your heart, and screw with your metabolism.
    Its a trmedous fat burning agent. I like it even better than clen. but it must be respected. it must be CYCLED. even if not using it everyday, after several weeks the receptors downgrade.
    I only use it for 8 weeks at a time, once a YEAR, to get cut for summer.
    This gives me plenty of time to resensitize.
    Still, you must take benadryle every third week 50-100mg to resensitize you receptors while on.
    I would take it while off also i your case since you just abused the heck out of your receotors. But i wouldnt start benedryle yet. not for a few months, cuz i think you need 6 full months before touching ephedra again. If you start the beadryle now you will be too groggy sicne your metabolism is stalled. Benadryle must be taken at night cuz it makes you sleepy.
    After you start feeeling more like yourself without any or herbs, then start some benadryle at 25 mg a nite and work up to 100 over the course of a couple months. By generic diphenhydramine, its cheaper.
    Then after a couple months of that you could run another cycle for 8-12 weeks. So, wait for months before doing ANYTHING. Then start benedryle for 2 months, then you can do another cycle. This would be 6 months from now.
    I have done the same thng as you, burned my receptors, but my run was only 15 weeks, whcih is still very long for epphedrine but you sound like its been many months. After that cycle i took 3 motnhs off and went back on it. iT still was not enough time and it stopped working after a week. You need six months. Realize what you did to yourself.
    wow man thanks and shoot me a private message if you have more info

  9. #9
    MongooseMcQueen is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    dont you know anything about ephedrine supplimentation??? Its not like a vitamin you can take all year round. Its a beta-2 receptor stimulator. RECEPTORS wear out! You cant trun that stuff more than 12 weeks MAX, and even that is pushin it.
    You have burnd your receptor sites teomporarily, and they will need time to rejenerate. Your feeling like crap cuz your metabolism has stalled since it was dependent of the ephedra. You need a few more weeks to get it back to normal. Make sure your taking in some good carbs and not cutting back on total food intake too much. You may feel sluggish, cold, foggy for a few weeks. Get off all the stimulants, caffien, eohedra, yohimbe, clen . You need to let your system recover and your receptors resensitize.Try some tyrosine to help kickstart your metabolism. You also need to hang around this place more often and use the search option everytime you try a new supplement cuz you sound young and you dont know what your doing. Not to flame but its true.
    Second of all, what r u using ephedriine for? what r ur ggoals? are you competetive?
    epehedrine is good stuff, but use it for too long or too high a dosage and it can damge your heart, and screw with your metabolism.
    Its a trmedous fat burning agent. I like it even better than clen. but it must be respected. it must be CYCLED. even if not using it everyday, after several weeks the receptors downgrade.
    I only use it for 8 weeks at a time, once a YEAR, to get cut for summer.
    This gives me plenty of time to resensitize.
    Still, you must take benadryle every third week 50-100mg to resensitize you receptors while on.
    I would take it while off also i your case since you just abused the heck out of your receotors. But i wouldnt start benedryle yet. not for a few months, cuz i think you need 6 full months before touching ephedra again. If you start the beadryle now you will be too groggy sicne your metabolism is stalled. Benadryle must be taken at night cuz it makes you sleepy.
    After you start feeeling more like yourself without any or herbs, then start some benadryle at 25 mg a nite and work up to 100 over the course of a couple months. By generic diphenhydramine, its cheaper.
    Then after a couple months of that you could run another cycle for 8-12 weeks. So, wait for months before doing ANYTHING. Then start benedryle for 2 months, then you can do another cycle. This would be 6 months from now.
    I have done the same thng as you, burned my receptors, but my run was only 15 weeks, whcih is still very long for epphedrine but you sound like its been many months. After that cycle i took 3 motnhs off and went back on it. iT still was not enough time and it stopped working after a week. You need six months. Realize what you did to yourself.
    oh and i cannot sleep, tylenol Pm don't do shit and niether does nyquil or ambien

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