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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    the gym

    Who gets irritable on Superdrol?

    A couple of my freinds have taken this before and they keep telling me how pissed off it made them. I just started mine today. Does this shit really have side effects on temperament any worse than d-bol or tren ? How bad is it? one guy I know swears up and down nothing he has ever run has made him as pissed as superdrol!!! Oh yeah, I got 40mg/day of anavar in there too. And no, there isnt any test in there, just a little HCG and nolva. I know I'm going to hear about test on some of these replies, relax, I know what I'm doing.

  2. #2
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
    T3/T4 GSR is offline Senior Member
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    I think it definetly has a bit of an effect on my temper. Funny cause today I noticed it a bit. My friend delivers pizza and for the second time he brought me cold slices. So here I can see why I have a reason to be pissed and I have a natural italian temper but man I was PISSED this time. I seriously wanted to drive down there and beat his boss's ass for forgeting to put the slices in the oven. I took my first shot of test e today and I doubt test e would affect you in a few hours after taking it for the first time.

  3. #3
    copenhagen's Avatar
    copenhagen is offline Member
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    it is funny because when i took sd i saw no noticable changes in temper. i have run 1 test and m-1,4ad also and those two compounds gave me a bit of a short fuse, but nothing that i could not manage.

  4. #4
    Bojangles69's Avatar
    Bojangles69 is offline Banned
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    idk but try not to make it any worse by expecting it and if it does get bad invest in a bottle of THEANINE SERENE, source natural makes it, uses GABA, Taurine, L-Theanine annd Valerian Root and works great at combating anxious or aggressive sides, PSYCHOTROPINS better but a lot more expensive, and they both help lower BP to.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    idk but try not to make it any worse by expecting it and if it does get bad invest in a bottle of THEANINE SERENE, source natural makes it, uses GABA, Taurine, L-Theanine annd Valerian Root and works great at combating anxious or aggressive sides, PSYCHOTROPINS better but a lot more expensive, and they both help lower BP to.

    Good advice, thanks, and thanks to the other replies so far as well

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