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  1. #1
    Venum's Avatar
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    PH's vs illegal steroids

    Doesn't it make more sense to just do a cycle of dbol or something if you are going to swallow pills? I mean aren't the sides pretty bad on legal stuff anyway? The gains will be much better on illegal stuff, so why spend the money on legal stuff with bad sides? I don't follow....

  2. #2
    bigsd67's Avatar
    bigsd67 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think a lot of us dont want to take the risk of using illegal stuff when you can get similar results with the "semi legal" stuff. (I gained 15 lean pounds from Superdrol and kept them all).

  3. #3
    pelly789's Avatar
    pelly789 is offline Member
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    illegal steroids are harder to possess and you can get in much more trouble for having them also, i think d-bol and anavar are pretty harsh on your liver, not extremely more than superdrol or phera plex or other pro hormones/legal steroids , the only difference i believe is the chemical structure of the steroid i believe superdrol is just methylated masteron i think.

  4. #4
    novastepp's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Bryan2's Avatar
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    results will be slightly more in favor of the legal stuff as they are more anabolic

    plus sightly better properties not everyone likes to deal with the dbol bloat

    legality as mentioned

  6. #6
    taiotosh7's Avatar
    taiotosh7 is offline Associate Member
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    If you have a source, pharmacutical grade is so much better than any otc supplement if using proper dosages...besides they don't make anything like the old prohormones that got banned a year or so ago.....I used a 19 nor, 1-test, and m1-test before and got great results....absolutly nothing like real test though!

  7. #7
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2
    results will be slightly more in favor of the legal stuff as they are more anabolic
    is this a typo?

    from my understanding, i thought most of the prohormones had been banned, however, ive been away for about six i remember, they affected your natty levels and cost more than an "illegal", even though i'm not telling you to run out and buy anything illegal, in answer to your question, there is nothing available that you can purchase legally that will give you the same results as the contrary...

    visit the anabolics forum for those with better understanding...bloat is easily managed, as are most of the sides from aas...


  8. #8
    Venum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-Male
    is this a typo?

    from my understanding, i thought most of the prohormones had been banned, however, ive been away for about six i remember, they affected your natty levels and cost more than an "illegal", even though i'm not telling you to run out and buy anything illegal, in answer to your question, there is nothing available that you can purchase legally that will give you the same results as the contrary...

    visit the anabolics forum for those with better understanding...bloat is easily managed, as are most of the sides from aas...

    are u saying that the bloat is easily managed on dbol lets say compared to otc? or are otc supps easier to manage?

  9. #9
    pilyo is offline New Member
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    Source for alot of people

  10. #10
    Giants11's Avatar
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    Here's the main thing. Most anabolics have been stuidied in humans for years. We know what to expect and have a good idea of what itss doing to the body. These new legal pro steroids , have no research or anything to back them at all. They are brand new compunds and you are being the guenia pigs. Just something to think about....
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  11. #11
    Bryan2's Avatar
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    I missed the Z in yo name GiantZ

  12. #12
    SplinterCell's Avatar
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    The legality issue and Access.

  13. #13
    Milky87 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venum
    Doesn't it make more sense to just do a cycle of dbol or something if you are going to swallow pills? I mean aren't the sides pretty bad on legal stuff anyway? The gains will be much better on illegal stuff, so why spend the money on legal stuff with bad sides? I don't follow....
    Compare superdrol and anadrol . Superdrol is far better IMO.

    Halodrol is metabolised into turinabol , so I dont see how this could be any better or worse.

    The one I have a qualm with is madol (found in phera-plex), soly because so little is known about it. Oh, and Max LMG, that chemical has an atypical structure and i find it facinating

  14. #14
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venum
    are u saying that the bloat is easily managed on dbol lets say compared to otc? or are otc supps easier to manage?
    well, he simply mentioned "results" as being better...ive never taken any of these "legal" supps, however, me personally, with diet and proper ancillary regimen, have successfully managed the bloat associated with dbol ...however, i get significant gains without using that particular drug, so i wasnt necessarily referring to it...

    and i agree with Giant's post as well...


  15. #15
    mg316's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giants11
    Here's the main thing. Most anabolics have been stuidied in humans for years. We know what to expect and have a good idea of what itss doing to the body. These new legal pro steroids, have no research or anything to back them at all. They are brand new compunds and you are being the guenia pigs. Just something to think about....
    very true

  16. #16
    Testostack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    Your avatar makes me melt every single time!!
    That said.........Halodrol for instance is not so far in terms of gains/no sides compared to why bother with customs and cops when you can get an almost-ther-same products legally?? that's not the case for all of'em.....some are just BS....just watch out...JMO

  17. #17
    Testostack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milky87
    Compare superdrol and anadrol . Superdrol is far better IMO.

    Halodrol is metabolised into turinabol , so I dont see how this could be any better or worse.

    The one I have a qualm with is madol (found in phera-plex), soly because so little is known about it. Oh, and Max LMG, that chemical has an atypical structure and i find it facinating
    I'm on right far, good strength increase, no sides (maybe 2 or 3 zits, little more agressive but hardly) and i'm only @ week 2, so that's pretty good about the chemical structure, u'r right, that's another story

  18. #18
    Natty99's Avatar
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    Lot of us have no source, therefore we have to go with the potentially dangerous "legal" alternatives. I like the Guinea Pig comparison lol

  19. #19
    Natural4life is offline New Member
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    Lets face it we are all guinne pigs for the drug compnaies,supplement companies,tobacco co,alcohol co's etc etc. It is just a fact of life.Heck there are even hormones in the food we eat ..who knows what that will do to us in 20 years!

  20. #20
    Testostack's Avatar
    Testostack is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'd rather like to be some guinea pig for enhancing drugs cie betta than tobacco, or alcohol, that would in any case, give me back nothing but health least Gear gives you change, betta results, better physique and you can still fight the sides, which ain't the case if you look @ most drinkers/somkers....JMO

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