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  1. #1
    bcap is offline Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    ECA Stack or Thermogenic

    Hey guys.

    I'm male, 19 years old, 187 pounds, about 17% bf. I've been cutting for the last 7 weeks (my thread is on the diet forum under "The 12 Week Transformation"). I was thinking of throwing in some ephedrine to my diet to speed up fat loss, as I have come to a bit of a slow down in my fat loss.

    My main question is whether I should do it as an ECA stack where I take 25mg Ephedrine, 200mg Caffeine and then 81mg Asprin, or if I shoudl do this thermogenic at a local shop here. It is called Thermoburn by Thermolabs Inc, anyone ever heard of it? It has 24mg ephedrine (200mg ma huang at 12%), 200mg caffeine, and a bunch of other ingredients including willow bark, ginger root and more, check it out here

    What would be my best bet?

    Thanks a lot!


  2. #2
    lc1987's Avatar
    lc1987 is offline Associate Member
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    hey bryan, i would reccommend making your own man. looking at the ingrredients that you listed there, there's really not much difference and plus eca is cheap. $20 the most probably. you could get the caffeine and aspirin at walmart the generic one. and then order the vasopro ephedrine hcl online or you could probably get it at your local gas station depending on where you live. i live in illinois and it is illegal to get it here so i got mine online.

  3. #3
    Need-2-b-ripped's Avatar
    Need-2-b-ripped is offline New Member
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    Feb 2005
    Also if you want to reduce the amount of pills to take at once, look for F-edra it's basically a e/c in one pill. It contains 10mg of ephedra (not ephedrine) and 100 mg of caffeine. good luck

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