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  1. #1
    JuliasDad's Avatar
    JuliasDad is offline Associate Member
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    Halodrol, what do u think?

    how do u guys like halodrol? the site i got my pheraplex and superdrol from does not carry them anymore but they said to try halodrol?? its a little more expensive so im not sure if i want to, i think it was like 60 or 70 bucks?

    i used the pheraplex allready, it was ok, going to try the superdrol in a few more weeks and just wondering if u should grab some halodrol before they pull that off the market too??

    thanks for any help or suggestions and if anyone knows a site to get it from cheap

  2. #2
    lc1987's Avatar
    lc1987 is offline Associate Member
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    dude no flames or anything but do some research there's a bunch of threads about this topic out there man.

  3. #3
    JuliasDad's Avatar
    JuliasDad is offline Associate Member
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    well thanks for that "helpfull" comment but i did do a search and didnt really have my questions answered, maybe if i looked harder i would have but nothing on the 1st page of results??

    anyone else and please dont say use the search, if u dont want to answer fine but im sure some of u dont mind helping, thanks. just dont want to blow money on this if its not worth it considering all u guys love pheraplex and i just thought it was ok.

  4. #4
    Giants11's Avatar
    Giants11 is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Could you list your stats and cycle experience?
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  5. #5
    JuliasDad's Avatar
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    sure, im 25yrs old, 5'10, 200pounds

    ive done 2 TEST E and Deca cycles, a dbol and deca and test prop cycle and test only cycle. i did one of the test/deca cycles about a year ago when my fiance and i seperated, the other cycles were probably 3 years ago. been training very hard the past year, got very motivated when we seperated.

    i also just did a 4 week pheraplex cycle and just got done with my nolva, i have 1 bottle of superdrol waiting for me but im a wait a bit on that, might do a eca stack and try to lean out a little more for the summer but i have never done a eca stack so not sure?

    i always take a multi, VitC, Zinc, CAlcium, just started aminos and glutamine and larginine, not sure if im a continue with the larginine but will continue with the bcaa's and glutamine

  6. #6
    lc1987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliasDad
    well thanks for that "helpfull" comment but i did do a search and didnt really have my questions answered, maybe if i looked harder i would have but nothing on the 1st page of results??

    anyone else and please dont say use the search, if u dont want to answer fine but im sure some of u dont mind helping, thanks. just dont want to blow money on this if its not worth it considering all u guys love pheraplex and i just thought it was ok.
    well sorry for acting like a dick i wasn't trying to. the question just comes up like everyday and people forget to use the search function. btw man i searched for a couple of threads and here they are

    Superdrol and Halodrol???? DO they work???

    some people tend to gain 8-12lbs based on the second thread.

    as for your 2nd question, i usually google it and find the best deal that i could possibly get or you could probaly use the generic halodrol called h max for like 30 bucks. i beleive they have the same compound but cheaper. hope this helps bro.

  7. #7
    lc1987's Avatar
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    also, halodrol has less sides than sd but right now, i am on sd and i am looking bigger thans ever. been eating like crazy and so far i am about 178 up from 155 and i am in the middle of 2nd week. gotta love this stuff. also, you could still find sd at a1supplements for like 50 bucks man. check it out.
    Last edited by lc1987; 05-18-2006 at 09:50 PM.

  8. #8
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    halodrol is awesome..i loved it

  9. #9
    Testostack's Avatar
    Testostack is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giants11
    Could you list your stats and cycle experience?
    ..........And run a.....?

    A SEARCH of course!

    Damn it. So many threads about it.....

  10. #10
    edgarr is offline Member
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    I am a week and a half into my SD cycle and haven't put on a single pound! I started and still running 20mg daily...should I increase this to 30 for weeks 3-4? I am interested in seeing how the Halodrol works for you if you use it.

  11. #11
    lc1987's Avatar
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    hey edgarr how's your diet man? make sue you get in a lot of complex carbs and protein bro. what's your stats Diet? start a new thread if you'd like so people could help you out.

  12. #12
    edgarr is offline Member
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    2406 cals, 307 pro, 200 carb, 50 fat. Foods are great and lots of supplements. I am 5'9 180 13% BF. Should I up the carbs? How much of yor gains is water?

    I have noticed a good increase in strength and muscles feel tighter but no increase in size. And no side effects at all. I am hornier then ever! I am still doing cardio 5 days a week.

    I just think that it works different on different people. That is why I am interested in this Halodrol log.

    Sorry for robbing your thread!!

  13. #13
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edgarr
    2406 cals, 307 pro, 200 carb, 50 fat. Foods are great and lots of supplements. I am 5'9 180 13% BF. Should I up the carbs? How much of yor gains is water?

    I have noticed a good increase in strength and muscles feel tighter but no increase in size. And no side effects at all. I am hornier then ever! I am still doing cardio 5 days a week.

    I just think that it works different on different people. That is why I am interested in this Halodrol log.

    Sorry for robbing your thread!!
    eat more calories and def a lot of carbs..i did it for like 10 days and gained about 8 pounds VERY LEAN...something is wrong here side effects were too much like losing appetite and sexual function so i stopped it i used halodrol and retained appetite and sexual function and gained about 10 pounds..during my pct i used nolva and proviron and gained another 5 pounds

  14. #14
    edgarr is offline Member
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    I want to increase the cals but have no appetite for more cals. I just ordered B12 to see if that helps ( I have a post out there asking about dose). Should I up the SD dose to 30 for week 3?

  15. #15
    suprman09's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lc1987
    well sorry for acting like a dick i wasn't trying to. the question just comes up like everyday and people forget to use the search function. btw man i searched for a couple of threads and here they are

    Superdrol and Halodrol???? DO they work???

    some people tend to gain 8-12lbs based on the second thread.

    as for your 2nd question, i usually google it and find the best deal that i could possibly get or you could probaly use the generic halodrol called h max for like 30 bucks. i beleive they have the same compound but cheaper. hope this helps bro.

    Can find any H max where can you get it?

  16. #16
    lc1987's Avatar
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  17. #17
    MAJOR25's Avatar
    MAJOR25 is offline Member
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    I tried sd but I heard halodrol was better. it depends on how your body takes it. some sd works better then Halodro. just make sure you have a good pct planned. I just finish sd and I have 2 boxes of halodrol. yumm yumm.

  18. #18
    lc1987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edgarr
    I want to increase the cals but have no appetite for more cals. I just ordered B12 to see if that helps ( I have a post out there asking about dose). Should I up the SD dose to 30 for week 3?
    you could try if it's really not working for you but i heard that the sides are pretty nasty going up to 30. also make sure you increase cals man sorry to say this but having no apetite is not an option. if you really want to gain sh*t you have to do this bro. try eating oats with skim milk and then splenda don't cook it just eat it cold it taste awesome and a great complex carbs.

  19. #19
    lc1987's Avatar
    lc1987 is offline Associate Member
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    i probably try halodrol in the future and compare the two because sd is treating me well right now. or maybe i should just go for the real gear?

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