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  1. #1
    quarry206's Avatar
    quarry206 is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2006
    The world in my head.

    endurance supplements

    i have always been a wieghtlifter.. wieghing in at 200 to 210 depending on the week and diet and benching around 435lbs i have done better than avg but not amazing..

    Because of new goals, i really need to increase my running endurance, are there any supplements that will help somebody with cardio endurance

    my two mile time is about 15mins right now....

    my two mile run time needs to be around 12 .. which i have done in my life before, but before i began lifting and gearing my life style towards powerlifting

    by the way i do realize diet and wieght lose are needed .. my question is there anything that could just help me with the cardio

  2. #2
    mwolffey's Avatar
    mwolffey is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    get something with simple carbs like dextrose that you can drink while running...there is something called endurox r4 and its a mixture of whey protein and dextrose, it more for recovery but it might help...this and lots of caffine before and you should be good to go...good luck bro

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